Haiti - Elections : Ginette Cherubin reveals some irregularities and fraud 24/04/2011 10:26:27 "Following the extraordinary meeting of the Provisional Electoral Council held on 20 March 2011, prior to the publication of the results of presidential and parliamentary elections (2010-2011), I want to point at the outset that I disagree with the informality and hasty of that meeting. I will not repudiate the totality of the results published since, as of the publication of the preliminaries of the second turn of the elections, some candidates had succeeded without appeal exercised against them and that some judgments were made in all fairness. However, despite my willingness to respect the majority decision by adherence to democratic principles, it was not possible to me to initial the results for the following reasons:
Finally, given the almost universal satisfaction expressed by the voters after the preliminary results, it is unthinkable that the BCEN it is unthinkable that the BCEN has led to changes as significant as it appears in the table of the results. This means purely and simply to repudiate the work of the Tabulation Center, whose the rigor obtained from the recommendations of the Commission of the OAS - solicited in the first round of elections - and other improvements made by the CEP itself (Responsible of CTV assisted other technicians) has been recognized and praised publicly, by most concerned: political parties, candidates, voters, national and international observers. This, to the point that even the credibility of CEP so marred since 2009, has benefited and is entered into a process of rehabilitation. For all these reasons, my civic consciousness obliges me to make these reserves..." Ginette Chérubin, Arch. Member of the CEP HL/ HaitiLibre
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