Haiti - FLASH : The Town Hall of Port-au-Prince lays off some of its employees - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : The Town Hall of Port-au-Prince lays off some of its employees
05/07/2019 11:22:48

Haiti - FLASH : The Town Hall of Port-au-Prince lays off some of its employees
Although tax revenues have quadrupled since the Mayor of Port-au-Prince Ralph Youry Chevry came to power, to go from 100 million to 400 million gourdes, they still remain largely insufficient to meet the important needs of taxpayers and ensure the proper functioning of the municipal administration.

The widening of the tax base essential to the development of the capital does not yet produce the expected benefits. For example, the rate of recovery of "Land Tax and Buildings Tax" (CFPB) better known as rental tax, although from 8 to 20% reveals that out of 22,000 bills sent to homeowners of the 100,000 properties built in the commune, only 11,000 owners have assumed their duty as citizens by paying their taxes.

In addition, there is the socio-political crisis whose disastrous effects on the capital's economy have prevented the town hall from raising the funds necessary for its proper functioning.

In view of this alarming situation, Ralph Youri Chevry informs that the municipal administration is facing serious financial difficulties and that consequently the Town Hall is obliged to lay off, without pay, some of the employees of the Town for the months of July, August and September... A shocking experience for the families of the employees concerned, who must prepare for the return of their children's classes in September with all that that implies as expenses.

The municipal administration, said in a note that some offices were moved to the Annex of Canapé-Vert to save fuel, but that the Directorates and Services located at the Bicentenary continue their activities as usual. An emergency cell with a few employees of various services will be formed to serve and meet the urgent needs of taxpayers...

Nobody knows how many other public or private institutions are or will be in the same situation. No one can say how many civil servants are already unemployed or will be unemployed because of the crisis when the State was already unable to pay public service employees last May hhttps://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-28029-haiti-flash-the-government-could-not-pay-its-civil-servants-in-may.html because of the paralysis of several weeks of the DGI by a strike https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-28057-haiti-strike-truce-at-the-dgi-tax-collection-will-finally-resume.html

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