Haiti - FLASH : Torrential rains, Petit-Goâve and Ganthier stricken (partial assessment) - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : Torrential rains, Petit-Goâve and Ganthier stricken (partial assessment)
20/09/2019 08:45:07

Haiti - FLASH : Torrential rains, Petit-Goâve and Ganthier stricken (partial assessment)
The torrential rains that hit the town of Petit-Goâve on Wednesday around 7:00 pm caused 30 minutes of flash floods and floods in Petit-Goave and Ganthier, causing extensive damage and several casualties.

Affected areas :
Belle Avenue, National Highway Road # 2, Caiman Bridge: Flooded homes, families evacuated;
Ti Guinin / Simond's Avenue: houses flooded, several families affected, road impassable;
Rue Louverture prolonged: houses flooded, goods carried to the sea ...;

The affected families are numerous from Cap-Destré to Avenue Simond's and Chabanne. The most affected families are Percin, Belle Avenue, Bas Rue Louverture, Nan Bannann, Rue Geffrard, Rue Petion, Figaro, Rue Benoit, Rue Desvignes...

The Civil Prison is partially flooded, the waters have entered the hospital Notre-Dame as well as the police station;

The Directorate of Civil Protection of the Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Communities informs that, following the torrential rains that fell in the evening of 18 July two deaths were reported related to the flood of the river Petite Guinee on the night of September 18, 2019 including a girl aged 21, Gesna Thervil) to "Nan Banann" a deserted area of ​​the city. According to other evidence, two babies in the area are reported missing.

Provisional summary of the Petit-Goave Municipal Committee of Civil Protection :
4 missing persons;
200 flooded houses;
55 damaged houses;
30 houses destroyed;
Damage to infrastructure and agriculture in the region.

In the commune of Ganthier, the Communal Committee of Civil Protection is at work following. The emergency teams of the Municipal Committee of Civil Protection have been mobilized to carry out the damage assessment and are still there to assist the population.

Flows of alluvium and mud disrupt traffic in some areas of affected communities and the authorities are hard at work to manage the situation.

Deputy Germain Alexandre sent his sympathies to the people affected by the Radio Preference FM and said that he was multiplying his efforts with the central authorities so that all sorts of help could be given to the victims. In the meantime he has granted a small financial envelope to the Mayor of Petit-Goâve for the victims.

The senator of the West, Patrice Dumont, very affected by the floods in Petit-Goave, also asks for humanitarian aid for the affected families. He is raising the awareness of other people or institutions to help Petit Goâviens stricken.

The parish priest, the Reverend Father Boniface, visited the victims' families in Ti Guinen, a very affected area, he assessed the pressing needs in order to formulate a request for food aid especially with "Food for the Poor".

The Hydro Meteorological Unit informs the population that there are unstable weather conditions prevailing in the Caribbean Basin throughout the week and rain and thunderstorm activities could still affect the entire national territory for the next two days.

HL/ HaitiLibre / Guyto Mathieu (Correspondant Petit-Goâve)

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