Haiti - FLASH : The Government recognizes not having the ressources to help the Haitian victims in the Bahamas - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : The Government recognizes not having the ressources to help the Haitian victims in the Bahamas
21/09/2019 11:13:20

Haiti - FLASH : The Government recognizes not having the ressources to help the Haitian victims in the Bahamas
On Friday, the former Minister Counselor at the Embassy of Haiti in the Bahamas Dorval Darlier and new acting Chargé d'Affaires https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-28537-haiti-flash-corruption-at-least-4-haitian-diplomats-sanctioned-in-the-bahamas.html acknowledged that the Government of Haiti did not have the necessary financial means to help the compatriots victims of Hurricane Dorian in Abaco, North-West of the Bahamas, recalling "Haiti does not have a functioning government, its parliament is not in session and has no budget." https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-28703-haiti-flash-the-record-of-dorian-likely-to-be-very-heavy-in-the-haitian-community-in-the-bahamas.html

The Bahamas Ministry of Housing and the Environment in an ordinance banned the construction of the four largest illegal Haitian migrant site for at least 6 months, the ordinance states that "no one can build for the purpose of reside or carry out a commercial activity in the identified areas. The Ministry notes that the 6-month period may be extended if necessary and that its purpose is to facilitate the recovery, remediation and disposal of debris associated with Hurricane Dorian."

Darlier, while subscribing to the Government of the Bahamas' ban on not allowing the rising of new buildings, points out that this situation creates uncertainty for Haitians in the area "I can not tell them to come back or to stay. It depends on them and the legal position they are found," saying he continued to study what needed to be done to see how the Haitian Government could consider helping Haitians without document...

Darlier acknowledged that the Haitian sinistred, displaced in the Bahamas were totally dependent on the help of the Government of this country "I know that the Government of the Bahamas has a lot of compassion for the Haitian people and we always hope to see the best way to help us..."

Before the passage of Dorian on Abaco, some 1,000 "houses" housing some 3,500 Haitians for the majority in irregular migratory situation, had been built in an illegal way and not in conformity with the security codes declared the Prime Minister of Bahamas, Hubert Minnis. Houses Dorian has left only a few debris on several km2...

Darlier called on the Nassau government to grant temporary asylum to undocumented immigrants affected by Hurricane Dorian.

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