Haiti - Politic : Martelly gives a little more detail on his project of modern army - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Politic : Martelly gives a little more detail on his project of modern army
05/05/2011 14:20:00

Haiti - Politic : Martelly gives a little more detail on his project of modern army
In an interview, Tuesday on Radio France International the President Martelly gave few details on his project of modern army, the Minustah, the role of this army and how he intends establish it.

"We have a common vision with the Minustah, in its diary, the Mission had discussed of its departure." Before this departure, Michel Martelly questions "we must prepare for this departure, if today the Minustah leave, and tomorrow we face a crisis, how will we manage ? Are we going to ask the Minustah to return ? Is this modern army should do just that the Minustah did ?" For the new President, there is no doubt that this new army would be very different, "it would be a more modern force, which would participate in the development of the country, with an engineering corps, medical corps, forestry officials, a team that could intervene in cases of natural disaster, that's the idea, a force that could intervene on our borders, that would monitor our coasts, which would fight against drug traffickers [...] We need of this force [...]

Now how we are going to do all these things ? Our partners are there, we already have proposals from Brazil who is very interested to provide us a technical support in training. France has a proposition and is ready to support us and it is certain that our American neighbors, including the United States, will want to help too.

To maintain Minsutah in the country, it costs more than $ 800 million [per year], a Haitian force, which would create jobs, would not cost more than 20 to 25 million dollars. We talk INITIALLY, of a force of 1.500 to 2.000 young men and women, with a staff headquarters (État Major) of course."

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