Haiti - Politic : The SOGENER refuses to pay the 194 million claimed by the BMPAD - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Politic : The SOGENER refuses to pay the 194 million claimed by the BMPAD
21/10/2019 12:05:56

Haiti - Politic : The SOGENER refuses to pay the 194 million claimed by the BMPAD
The Office for Monetization of Development Assistance (BMPAD), which is determined to fight effectively against corruption including in the context of contracts with service providers in the field of electricity and summoned by justice, required to the company SOGENER to repay to the Haitian State under 3 days, more than 194 million US dollars representing the amount of debt contracted for the purchase of fuel, between June 2012 and March 2019.

Download the copy of the summons : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/sommation-sogener.pdf

Faced with this company's obvious refusal to pay its debt, BMPAD informs that it is forced to adopt new, more persuasive provisions, pending legal action, without specifying what provisions it is.

The BMPAD frecalls that these measures adopted by the Government, aim at creating a healthy competition between companies in the electricity sector and also facilitate the State the availability of substantial funds that can enable it to carry out projects in favor of the population, especially the most vulnerable groups, victims of chronic inequality and exclusion "generated a system geared towards a small group".

So for the second time, the BMPAD seems not to want to consider that it is a cross-debt between the SOGENER SA and the Haitian State in fact as of September 30, 2019 the Haitian State owe to the Sogener just over $ 202 million (202,765,290.16) and the SOGENER owed the State a little over 194 million (194,104,795.05) as it appears on the documents made available by SOGENER : the statement of accounts and the value of fuel delivered to SOGENER SA by BMPAD on behalf of Electricity of Haiti (EDH)

Download the documents relating to these cross-debts of the State and SOGENER : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/compte-sogener.pdf

To be continued...

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