Haiti - Elections : Final results of the 19 contested seats... 11/05/2011 15:46:35 Despite the dissatisfaction of international or national observers, CEP officials have not strictly applied, as had recommended it, the experts from the OAS, the maintenance of the preliminary results as definitive. According to the results of the National Electoral Complaints and Challenges Bureau (BCEN) Special, the Presidential Platform (INITE) after decision has won only four seats on the 16 that it claimed, 16 seats it had received at the announcement of the "final disputed" results on April 20, 2011. Despite these final changes, the party of President René Préval does not hold an absolute majority in Parliament. Yolaine Gilles Observer for the National Network of Human Rights Defense (RNDDH) and the Ambassador Colin Granderson Chief of Mission of the OAS/CARICOM (JEOM), did not hide their dissatisfaction with the results announced by the CEP. In the results of BCEN Special, 4 seats for deputies are again challenged. According to Yolaine Gilles, the constituencies of Belladères, Carice, Tiburon and of Jacmel still have problems, the recommendations of the report of the JEOM have not been respected. "Regarding the constituency of Jacmel, it's a scandal [...] the members of the BCEN Special have presented a report marred by irregularities to justify the victory of candidate of INITE." For his part, Colin Granderson recommends a new verification of the 4 seats again contested... Nothing seems, really definitive... Is the next step will be to have a BCEN Super Special ? Stay tuned... Last Minute : In la Gonave, violences are reported to us this Wednesday after the publication of the final results of the CEP, the candidate Jacquy Guerrier (INITE) lost the election. Armed individuals have looted and burned houses and a school. During these incidents, whose the supporters of INITE would be at the origin, Jean Rostel, Justice of the Peace of Pointe à Raquette, would have been injured. Incidents and heightened tension, are also reported in the communes of Bombardonpolis, at Anse à Galet, Pointe à Raquette (the island of Gonave) Léogâne and Grand Goâve. =========================== Senators Delacruz Francisco (Alternative) / Centre / 31.03% Dera Simon Dieusseul (Lavni) / Centre / 26.67% Deputies Doréus Eloune (Alternative) / Mole Saint Nicolas (Nord Ouest) / 59.17% Dorcil Jusclair (Alternative) / Bombardopolis (Nord Ouest) / 50.76% Saint-Fleur Altemetis Junior (Alternative) / Cité Soleil (Ouest) / 51.45% Anelus Judles Lyonel (Ansanm Nous Fo) / L’Estère (Artibonite) / 54.91% Salomon Fanel (Ansanm Nous Fo) / La Chapelle (Artibonite) / 51.14% Fhilocsaint Ulrick (Ansanm Nou Fo) / Petite rivière de Nippes (Nord Est) / 52.25% Léger Jean Danton (Ansanm Nou Fo) / Léogane (Ouest) / 51.78% Laporte Joseph Franck (Ansanm Nou Fo) / Grand-Goâve (Ouest) / 52.23% Marcadieu Lutherking E. (INITE) / Belladère (Centre) / 52.65% Belizaire Jeann Rigaud (INITE) / Abricots/Bonbon (Nord Est) / 50.44% Saintima Louinor (INITE) / Tiburon (Sud) / 51.90% Domond Patrick (INITE) / Jacmel (Sud) / 49.70% Musset Romain (MAS) / Maïssade (Centre) / 51.10% Théus Beguens (Mocrenha) / Anse à Galets/Pointe-à-Raquette (Ouest) / 51.88% Gros Nègre Acilus (Pont) / La Torture (Nord ouest) / 51.89% Cyrius G. Venex (Rasamble) / Petite rivière de l'Artibonite (Artibonite) / 57% Laguerre Fanèse R. Jn. B. (Solidarite) / Vallières/Carice/Mombin crochu (Nord est) / 60.24% =========================== See also: https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-2893-haiti-elections-the-special-bcen-currently-auditing-the-work-of-the-jeom.html https://www.haitilibre.com/article-2841-haiti-elections-rapport-de-la-moec.html (in french) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-2862-haiti-elections-out-of-crisis-the-solution-of-gaillot-dorsinvil.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-2800-haiti-elections-ginette-cherubin-reveals-some-irregularities-and-fraud.html S/ HaitiLibre
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