Haiti - FLASH : FIFA extends the suspension of the President of the FHF by 90 days - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : FIFA extends the suspension of the President of the FHF by 90 days
21/08/2020 09:41:07

Haiti - FLASH : FIFA extends the suspension of the President of the FHF by 90 days
In connection with the allegations of sexual abuse of several young football players at the Center de la Croix-des-bouquets, at the request of the President of the investigating chamber and in accordance with art. 85 of the FIFA Code of Ethics suspends Yves Jean-Bart, President of the Haitian Football Federation, for a second 90-day period which will begin after the expiration of the initial 90-day suspension imposed on May 25. https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-30867-haiti-football-fifa-temporarily-suspends-dadou-for-90-days.html . During this period, Mr. Jean-Bart will continue not to be able to exercise any activity relating to football at the national and international levels.

This sanction was pronounced on the basis of the ongoing investigation concerning Jean-Bart and other FHF officials, identified as having possibly been involved (as principal perpetrators, accomplices or instigators) in acts of sexual abuse of female football players.

In addition, the investigating chamber widened the scope of the investigation by opening formal procedures targeting Nella Joseph (supervisor for young girls at the national technical center of Croix-des-Bouquets) and Wilner Etienne (Technical Director of the FHF).

The President of the investigating chamber also pronounced against these two officials a temporary ban from exercising any activity relating to football (administrative, sports or other) at the national and international levels for a period of 90 days.

The decisions taken by the president of the investigating chamber and by the president of the adjudicatory chamber of the Ethics Commission were duly notified to Mr. Jean-Bart, Ms. Joseph and Mr. Etienne.

Note that the ongoing preliminary investigation includes potential crimes committed by other officials of the FHF and Haitian football.

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