Haiti - Elections : Installation of members of the Provisional Electoral Council - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Elections : Installation of members of the Provisional Electoral Council
23/09/2020 09:30:36

Haiti - Elections : Installation of members of the Provisional Electoral Council
Tuesday September 22 at the National Palace, President Jovenel Moïse proceeded to the official installation of the 9 members (5 women and 4 men) of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) named in the Decree of Friday September 18, 2020 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-31835-haiti-flash-appointment-of-cep-members-and-mandate.html . It should be noted that the members of this CEP were installed without taking an oath due to tension with the Executive and the division of magistrates, the Head of State decided to proceed with the installation and postpone the oath at a later date to be determined.

List of CEP members :
Louis Arlext Noël, Representative of the Handicapped Sector; Ms. Nadia Jules Amédée, Representative of the Farmer / Cooperative sectors; Ms. Guylande Mésadieu, Representative of the Human Rights Sector; Antonio Détil, Representative of the Youth Sector; Patrick Numa, Representative of the Union sector; Ms. Espérancia César, Representative of the Diaspora; Ms. Josette Massillon, Representative of Women's Organizations; Reverend Guy Romélus, Representative of Reformed Cults; Mrs. Marie Rosemène Joseph Pierre, Representative of the Voodoo cult.

In his speech for the occasion, President Moïse "thanked all the sectors which understood the urgent need to be represented within the Provisional Electoral Council in order to contribute their stones to the edifice that is democracy." Then addressing the new members he stressed "[...] It is in a particularly difficult context that you have made the decision to serve the Republic. By accepting to become members of this Electoral Council, you are doing an act of courage for which the Republic will be eternally grateful to you [...] your task will be delicate and even perilous [...] At a time when discredit is cast on the whole of the politicians and our democratic institutions, you should also expect to be slandered and challenged. It is normal that the installation of this electoral council gives rise to many debates and various positions taken."

Further, he recalled "[...] Democracy requires that the legitimate authorities chosen by the people be in command through free, credible, honest, inclusive, democratic and transparent elections.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Councilors,

You have the heavy mission of leading the country on the path of electoral success [...] Your duty requires you to be neutral, impartial and courageous in the decisions you are going to take. You will not be exempt from the inclinations of more than a few corrupt yourself and even attempt to make decisions for you.

Also, I make a solemn commitment in the presence of all those who listen to me and who are watching me, that the executive will not interfere in the decisions of the Electoral Council.

[...] I ask the Minister of Justice and the police authorities to guarantee the safety of all CEP members. [...] We cannot promote democracy through intolerance, intimidation and indiscriminate violence [...] I therefore ask the judicial authorities to take note of all the inflammatory statements and public threats made against members of the Electoral Council on social networks, through the press and others. It is unacceptable to condone such behavior in 2020."

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