Haiti - Politic : Nothing is decided yet for the Prime Minister-designate, Bernard Gousse - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Politic : Nothing is decided yet for the Prime Minister-designate, Bernard Gousse
06/07/2011 18:32:54

Haiti - Politic : Nothing is decided yet for the Prime Minister-designate, Bernard Gousse
Before leaving the country for Spain, the President Martelly presented for the Nation the new Prime Minister designate "...I leave you a new Prime Minister designate in your hands, in the person of Bernard Gousse, a person who is right, who knows how to work and that will help us bring order and discipline in the country [...] I ask you to have a lot of patience [...] I know there are many parliamentarians who want the change that I want, and I hope that all parliamentarians, or the majority understand that it is time that the country unblocks, it is time that the policy and that the personal interests cease to prevent the development in the country, I rely on them, I rely on you. I had to do a tour in Europe but I think that the urgency of the situation makes it necessary that the eyes of the Presidency and of all its advisers must be on the ground to ensure the smooth running of the debates that will take place [...] I would like that on my return this weekend to see that the ratification process is well advanced..."

Nothing is decided yet for Bernard Gousse

Jean Tholbert Alexis, the deputy of Croix-des-Bouquets (ANSANM NOU FÒ), President of the Parliamentary Group for Renewal (GPR) has declared for his part that the designation of Me Gousse is irreceivable and inappropriate, and that the members of the GPR would file a petition in the office of the Board to declare "irreceivable" the choice of Prime Minister-designate.

For Steven Benoît, Senator of the West (ALTENATIVE) the choice of Me Bernard Gousse, former Minister of Justice from 2004 to 2006, can be imposed "only by using force."

While Francisco Delacruz (ALTENATIVE), for the Alternative Platform believes that Mr. Gousse has the profile of a good Prime Minister.

Edwin Zenny, Senator of South East (INITE) wishes that the two chambers ratify Mr. Gousse to allow the country to begin its march toward stability and change. We are not supporters of the continuity, we do not want a Prime Minister with its own political agenda" he had declared.

Simon Dieusel Desra, Senator of the Centre, had wished that the President renounce to this candidate, saying that this eventual candidate has no chance of being ratified. Remarks confirmed by parliamentarians of the Parliamentary Group for Renewal (GPR), most of them have vowed to derail the possible candidacy of Bernard Gousse, accusing him of being a GNBiste and a fierce anti-Lavalas.

For Joseph Lambert, Senator of South East the choice of Martelly does not take the road and is lost in advance, he invites the President to find another Prime Minister, because the vote that will be made ​​will be political. "This is a choice that will raise much controversy, first it is a choice questionable for some but hotly contested by many parliamentarians, politicians and even a fairly important part of the international [...] we had strongly advise the President to direct his choice on another person [...] one thing is certain is that today the Senate of the Republic, the GPR and many allies can not guarantee a favorable vote for Mr. Gousse and we strongly hope that the debate will takes place in the Senate, to be as expeditious as possible, to put the president in a much more comfortable situation, so that he can designate as quickly as possible another Prime Minister..."

Right now we can only say that nothing is decided yet for Me Bernard Gousse, the Prime Minister-designate. Recall that Daniel Gérard Rouzier was designate on May 16, 2011 and rejected on June 21, 2011 and that it was necessary to wait until July 6, to have a second name !

Who is Bernard Gousse
Bernard Honorat Gousse is born on October 22, 1958 and raised in Port-au-Prince, graduated from the Haitian State University School of Law and Economic Science in 1981. Upon graduation, Mr. Gousse traveled to France where he completed a degree in International Relations in 1983 and attained a DEA and Doctorate in Law from the University d'Aix-Marseille III in 1989. Mr. Gousse has been practicing law since his admission to the Haitian Bar in 1991. He is one of the founding members of Pasquet, Gousse et Associés.

Mr. Gousse was appointed Minister of Justice and Public Security in 2004 (2004-2006). During his appointment, he laid the groundwork for the new legislation organizing the judiciary as an independent branch of government. He was also responsible for abolishing all discrimination against women in the penal code.

Mr. Gousse has taught Family Law, Contract Law, Tort Law and Private International Law at Quisqueya University School of Law where he also served eight years as its first Dean.

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