Haiti - Weather ALERT : Sahara sand dust and sulfur dioxide clouds - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Weather ALERT : Sahara sand dust and sulfur dioxide clouds
17/04/2021 09:01:09

Haiti - Weather ALERT : Sahara sand dust and sulfur dioxide clouds
A cloud of dust from the Sahara mixed with ash from the erupting Soufrière volcano on the island of Saint Vincent is expected to affect air visibility in the Caribbean and Atlantic region and could persist until next Tuesday.

Clouds of sulfur dioxide, due to the eruption of the volcano could reach Haiti during this weekend and have negative effects on health, such as irritation of the eyes, skin, respiratory problems and headaches in most sensitive people.

In relation to the passage of this large-scale phenomenon, the Meteorological Forecasting Center of the Hydro Meteorological Unit of Haiti in concert with the General Directorate of Civil Protection and the Permanent Secretariat for Risk and Disaster Management (SPGRD), asks to the population to avoid too much exposure to the open air, to wear masks, protective glasses and hats during the next four days.

Recommendations :
Avoid going out if you don't have to;
People with bronchitis or asthma should stay safe and avoid exposure;
Close the windows;
Cover the cisterns and stock up on water;
Protect your eyes with glasses and use protective masks.

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