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Haiti - Diaspora Covid-19 : Daily Bulletin #497
30/07/2021 11:49:45

Haiti - Diaspora Covid-19 : Daily Bulletin #497
Epidemiological situation:
Friday, July 30, 2021 the number of people infected worldwide by the Covid-19 coronavirus since the start of the pandemic (Official source), amounts to 197,399,321 cases (+675,473 in 24 hours), the standby (+ 717,453)

Number of contaminated countries 192 (unchanged)

* Healings: 178,543,346 people were cured of Covid-19 worldwide (+410,855 in 24 hours), the day before (+441,913)
* Deaths: 4,215,122 people died from Covid-19 worldwide (+11,169 in 24 hours), the day before (+10,631)
* Active cases (less deaths and recoveries) in the world is currently 14,640,853 cases (+253,449 in 24 hours), the day before (+264,909)

Average cure rate in the world: 90.44% (-)

Average death rate in the world: 2.13% (=)

World: Number of daily confirmed cases:

Vaccination: 4.07 billion doses of vaccine injected (+60 million doses injected in 24 hours updated July 29, 2021 latest data available).

Epidemiological situation:
According to the Ministry of Public Health, 39 new cases in 24 hours of Covid-19 and its variants were confirmed in Haiti on July 24 (latest partial data available) for a total of 20,116 cases confirmed throughout the national territory (45.8% women and 54.2% men), since the first case (March 19, 2020 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-30319-haiti-health-origin-of-the-first-2-cases-of-covid-19-in-haiti.html). Last update (77 cases in 48 hours on July 22 and 23, 2021).

3rd wave:
As of July 24, 2021 the total of the 3rd wave (beginning of May 10, 2021) amounts to 6,811 confirmed cases and 281 deaths .

Healings: 14,042 (+91 in 24h)

Healing rate: 69.80% (+)

Deaths: 552 +7 deaths in 24 hours (+1 West, +1 South, +4 Grand'Anse, and +1 North-West)

Mortality rate: 2.74% (+)

Haiti: Number of daily deaths:

Active cases: (less deaths and recoveries) 5,522 cases (-59 in 24 hours), previous (-132 in 48 hours)

Haiti: Number of daily confirmed cases:

Most affected municipalities in the West (2021):
Delmas: 1.833 (+12); Pétion ville 1,613 (+10); Port-au-Prince 1,017 (+12); Tabarre 787 (+2); Croix-des-Bouquets 749 (+9)

Cases tested since the start of the pandemic: 99,600 cases (+97 in 24 hours, update 24 July 2021 (latest data available). Note that the very low number of people tested does not statistically allow us to a representative estimate of Covid-19 cases in Haiti.

Confirmed cases by department (2021):
West: 6.942 (2020: 6.945)
North: 433 (2020: 677)
Center: 553 (2020: 508)
Artibonite: 464 (2020: 593)
Northeast: 254 (2020: 314)
Southeast: 281 (2020: 274)
South: 436 (2020: 262)
Northwest: 159 (2020: 229)
Grand'Anse: 348 (2020: 176)
Nippes: 119 (2020: 149)

Cumulative deaths by department (2021):
West: 179 (2020: 104)
North: 29 (2020: 34)
Center: 22 (2020: 13)
Artibonite: 14 (2020: 39)
Northeast: 4 (2020: 6)
South: 28 (2020: 6)
Southeast: 10 (2020: 9)
Northwest: 7 (2020: 12)
Grand'Anse: 5 (2020: 13)
Nippes: 13 (2020: 5)

Distribution of deaths by age (2020 and 2021):
0-9 years: 13
10-19 years: 6
20-29 years: 21 (+1)
30-39 years: 34 (+1)
40-49 years: 57
50-59 years: 96
60-69 years: 118 (+1)
70-79 years: 124 (+4)
80 years and over: 83

4.867 doses of vaccine were injected in total (+1.488 in 48 hours) or 4.226 doses of “Spikevax” (official name since June 21, 2021) from the MODERNA Laboratory and 351 dose of the “Janssen” vaccine from the Johnson & Johnson Laboratory which does not require only one dose have been injected since July 16, 2021, date of the first injection https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-34253-haiti-covid-first-injections-of-vaccines.html . Update July 28, 2021, latest data available.

Epidemiological situation:

* Case since the first case (March 9, 2020): 35,584,272 cases (+96,782 in 24 hours), the day before (+133,567)
* Healings: 29,626,754 healings (+22,796 in 24 hours), the day before (+32,524)
National Healing Rate: 83.25% (-)
* Death: 628,492 deaths (+394 in 24 hours), the day before (+747)
National death rate: 1.76% (=)
* Active cases (less deaths and recoveries): 5,329,026 cases, (+73,592 in 24 hours), the day before (+100,296)
* Tests: 528,099,118 people tested since the first case.

USA: Number of daily confirmed cases:

Vaccination: 344.07 million doses of vaccine injected since December 14, 2020, the date of the first injection in the United States (710,000 injected doses, in 24 hours). Update July 29, 2021 (latest available data).

Cases confirmed since March 1, 2020:
341,179 cases (+365 in 24 hours) the day before (+316). First case (March 1, 2020) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-30165-haiti-flash-first-case-of-covid-19-in-the-dominican-republic.html
Healings: 317,127 healings since March 1st (+4.923 in 24 hours), the day before (+3.651)
National Healing Rate: 92.95% (+)
Death: 3,956 deaths (+3 in 24 hours), the day before (+8)
Mortality rate: 1.15% (=)
Active cases: (excluding death and recovery) 20,096 cases (-4,561 in 24 hours) the day before (-3,343)

Dominican Republic: Number of daily confirmed cases:

Top 5 of the most infected provinces (active case, less healings and deaths):
1st - Santo Domingo: 2,418 cases (-828 in 24 hours), the day before (-405)
2nd - National District: 2,112 cases (-528 in 24 hours), the day before (-431)
3rd - Santiago: 1,733 cases (-542 in 24 hours), the day before (-373)
4th - La Altagracia: 368 cases (-30 in 24 hours), the day before (-146)
5th - La Romana: 784 cases (+20 in 24 hours), the day before (-118)

Tests (since the 1st case): 1,830,942 tests (+5,414 in 24 hours), the day before (+5,087)

Vaccination: 9.99 million doses of vaccine injected since February 16, 2021, date of the first injection in the Dominican Republic (+90,000 doses injected in 24 hours) update July 28, 2021, latest data available ).

Cases confirmed since the first case (February 27, 2020): 377,172 cases (+138 in 24 hours), the day before (+133)
Healing: 365,018 people (+88), the day before (+72)
Province of Quebec Healing Rate: 96.77% (-)
Deaths: 11,240 deaths (+0 in 24 hours), the day before (+0)
Death rate: 2.98% (=)
Active cases: (excluding death and recovery) 914 cases (+50 in 24 hours), the day before (+61)
Test: 10,566,161 people tested since the first case.

Vaccination: 10.91 million doses of vaccine injected since December 16, 2020 date of the first injection (+69.723 in 24 hours), latest data available - MSSS as of July 29, 2021)

* Cases confirmed since the first case (January 24, 2020): 6,079,239 cases (+25,190 cases in 24 hours), the day before (+27,934)
* Healings: 5,691,923 healings (+4,511 in 24h), the day before (+4,414)
National Healing Rate: 93.62% (-)
Deaths: 111,764 deaths (+29 in 24 hours), the day before in total, (+40)
National death rate: 1.83% (-)
* Active cases: (excluding death and cures) 275,552 (+20,650 in 24 hours), the day before +23,480)
* Tests: 103,541,385 people tested since the first case.

France: Number of daily confirmed cases:

Vaccination: 71.91 million doses of vaccine injected since December 27, 2020, date of the first injection in France (2.22 million doses in 3 days, update July 28, 2021 latest data available ).

Previous bulletin: https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-34353-haiti-diaspora-covid-19-daily-bulletin-496.html

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