Haiti - 218th Vertières : Message from the former First Lady Martine Moïse (Video) - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7

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Haiti - 218th Vertières : Message from the former First Lady Martine Moïse (Video)
19/11/2021 09:56:33

Haiti - 218th Vertières : Message from the former First Lady Martine Moïse (Video)
Thursday, November 18, 2021, as part of the commemoration of the 218th anniversary of the victory of the Battle of Vertières, the former First Lady Martine Moïse delivered a video message broadcasted on social networks that we invite you to listen and watch :

Extract from the Message of the First Lady Martine Moïse :

"[...] President Jovenel understood that a person living in Môle Saint-Nicolas in the islets La Tortue, in Capotille, in remote areas did not have to get on a truck to come and do a passport, an identity card in Port-au-Prince. President Jovenel believed that it was an obligation that the agricultural roads communicate, so that the Carrefour Joffre - Port-de-Paix road, the Les Cayes - Jérémie road, the road that leads people to Jean Rabel, Môle Saint-Nicolas and others are asphalted. He had given the 10 departments of the country, equipment and materials to build these roads.

These achievements, these ideas revolted the profiteers of the system, they threatened him with death every day on radio, television, on social networks, the same way you heard that, until they manage to execute their threats.

Today, these same people who threatened President Jovenel with death, circulate freely in the street, they went as to threaten me, to use the judicial system to persecute me, accuse me, make me responsible for the 10 capital sins, to silence me.

I will not be silent. I will continue to demand justice with all my strength, for the President of the Republic, for my husband. I did not betray his ideas, his dreams, the vision he had for the people.

President Jovenel chose death instead of betraying the people, President Jovenel remained loyal to the people. True to himself, to what he believed was best for the people.

The ideas of President Jovenel remain universal, they go beyond borders, go beyond space, go beyond time, these ideas remain immortal.

My brothers, my sisters, Haitians of my country, do not let this system drink our blood. Do not wait for this system to finish murdering all our children, let’s come together to change that [...]"

Full speech by Martine Moïse (in Creole) :

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