Haiti - Social : The strikers of the HUEH demonstrated yesterday in Port-au-Prince - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Social : The strikers of the HUEH demonstrated yesterday in Port-au-Prince
30/08/2011 11:52:59

Haiti - Social : The strikers of the HUEH demonstrated yesterday in Port-au-Prince
The striking employees of the Hospital of the State University of Haiti (HUEH) demonstrated yesterday in the capital, following a persistent rumor on the closing of the General Hospital, the largest hospital in the country, for a period of two years. A decision that would have been taken at the level of the Ministry of Public Health...

The protesters have paralyzed traffic by lying on the floor, on the rue Saint Honoré at the level of Ministry of Health to protest against this possibility.

The Director General of the HUEH, Dr. Alix Lassègue has not been able to clarify this rumor, "I can neither confirm nor deny this information. It does not fall under, in any case, the general hospital [...] So I can not provide any details for now..."

We learn that in a letter dated August 29, 2011, Dr. Gabriel Thimoté Director General of the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP), with the approval of the Minister Alex Larsen, that Marlène Thompson, Administrator of the hospital was transferred to the position of technical Advisor to the Directorate of Training and Development in Health Sciences (DFPSS). Unless this is a coincidence, this measure seems to have been taken to appease the strikers who are claiming for two months the revocation of the Administrator of the HUEH...

For its part, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy (FMP) has expressed in a note Monday, its concern about this strike and the dysfunction of the HUEH, which according to this note "greatly affects the practical training of students of the Faculty of Medicine and of the National School of Nursing of Port-au-Prince."

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