Haiti - Education : Visit of Michaëlle Jean to Jacmel - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Education : Visit of Michaëlle Jean to Jacmel
04/09/2011 15:17:23

Haiti - Education : Visit of Michaëlle Jean to Jacmel
Native of Jacmel, Michaëlle Jean special envoy to Haiti for UNESCO and former Governor General of Canada, is in Haiti since August 31 for a tour of eight days across the country. Friday, Ms. Jean was on visit in her home town in order to supervise the various projects funded by UNESCO in the department of south-east, including projects in the field of education, culture, communications and science.

Michaëlle Jean declared that UNESCO had identified the city of Jacmel as a pole of integrated development. According to her, this city has a lot of human and touristic potential allowing it to achieve sustainable development. She praised the courage of the inhabitants of Jacmel, who do not hesitate to take initiatives to put an end to the practice of the international assistantships, and she is ready to support all efforts to the success of the process of reconstruction of Haiti. "The reconstruction of the country would be meaningless, if it does not produce opportunites."

Applauding the initiative of free education program of President Michel Martelly, she said that a solid program, of access to education and a training of quality is fundamental to the development of Haiti "The head of the Haitian state, Joseph Michel Martelly has identified UNESCO as a partner of choice to achieve his dream of sending thousands of children in school" Ms. Jean declared, adding that the institution she represents in Haiti, was ready to launch a program aimed the teacher training n the education system of Haiti. She is waiting with impatience the formation of the government, to start with this program, noting it is not enough to send thousands of children in school and advocate for quality education in Haiti if the teachers are not competent.

Ms. Jean, who argues in favor of a solid education and of quality for all young people of the country has invited all the Haitians to put aside their personal interests to favor those of Haiti. She regretted that some criminal organizations take advantage of the precarious situation of young people, to remove them from the right path and emphasized on the creation of jobs for all young people of the country.

During her passage to Jacmel Ms. Michaelle Jean visited the Workshop School of Jacmel, [housed in the premises of the Institute for National Heritage Preservation (ISPAN)], the former prison of the city, and also met the local authorities of Jacmel.

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HL/ Claudy Bélizaire

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