
Haiti - Arms trafficking : Confrontation between Me Robinson Pierre-Louis and Me Michelet Virgile 02/09/2022 09:45:43
Thursday, September 1st, 2022, as part of the major seizure of weapons and ammunition carried out in Port-de-Paix on July 1st, 2022 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-37058-haiti-flash-seizure-of-tens-of-thousands-of-ammunition-at-the-wharf-of-port-de-paix-video.html Judge Walter Wesser Voltaire, responsible for investigating the case, organized a confrontation between Me Robinson Pierre- Louis Secretary General of the Federation of Bars of Haiti, former member of the cabinet of the Minister of Justice Berto Dorcé https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-37253-haiti-arms-trafficking-me-robinson-pierre-louis-at-the-national-penitentiary.html and the former Government Commissioner Me Michelet Virgile of Port-de-Paix, imprisoned in connection with arms trafficking in Port-de-Paix https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-37114-haiti-flash-arms-trafficking-the-minister-of-justice-dismisses-the-commissioner-of-the-government-of-port-de-paix.html
Let's remember that Me Robinson Pierre-Louis was arrested, accused of having used his time when he was in the office of the Minister of Justice Berto Dorcé to facilitate the release of Fritz Jean Relus responsible for receiving the goods and Jonas Georges, owner of the freighter that transported arms and ammunition to Haiti.
As for Me Michelet Virgile, he is accused of having given the order for the release of the two alleged arms traffickers.
IF one believe Me Reynold Georges the lawyer Me Virgile, during the confrontation affirms that his client denied having declared to the investigators of the Central Directorate of the Judicial Police (DCOJ) that he had released the defendants Fritz Jean Rélus and Jonas Georges (arms dealer), on the orders of Me Robinson Pierre-Louis.
At the end of this confrontation, the two accused were taken back to their cells.
See also :
S/ HaitiLibre