Haiti - FLASH : Ministers of Justice and Interior forced to resign - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : Ministers of Justice and Interior forced to resign
14/11/2022 04:22:20

Haiti - FLASH : Ministers of Justice and Interior forced to resign
Friday, November 11, 2022, in the Council of Ministers, after reading the resignation letters from Ministers Berto Dorcé (Justice) and Liszt Quitel (Interior), the Government of Ariel Henry approved these two resignations.

A decree published the same day in the special issue #31 of the official journal "Le Moniteur" confirms a ministerial reshuffle

"[...] Order appointing citizen Ariel Henry Acting Minister of the Interior and Territorial Communities, he replaces Liszt Quitel

Order appointing the citizen Emmelie Prophet Milcé Acting Minister of Justice and Public Security, she replaces Berto Dorcé [...]"

The two Ministers were forced to resign following the revocation of their American visas, within the framework of the sanctions imposed by the United States.

The American authorities did not communicate the reasons for these dismissals contrary to what had been done concerning the sanctions taken against the President of the Senate Jospeh Lambert and the former Senator Youry Latortue, both sanctioned by the United States https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38056-haiti-flash-j-lambert-and-y-latortue-sanctioned-by-the-usa-all-the-details.html and Canada https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38058-haiti-flash-chancellor-of-canada-melanie-joly-announces-sanctions-against-j-lambert-and-y-latortue.html

On this subject the American Charge d'Affaires in Haiti, Eric William Stromayer explained "We did not mention any names. The people concerned can file their claims. We have our reasons for making our decisions. It is between us and the concerned [...] The Haitian government is free to make its decisions (concerning the ministers). He is sovereign. We have no control over this. We will see where this will lead [...] If the Haitian government decides to make a decision based on our measures or other reasons, it is up to them to decide."

According to our sources, the international community would have demanded Prime Minister Hemry to dismiss the members of his Government subject to international sanctions...

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