Haiti - Economy : Position of the Barbancourt Company on the press note of the private business sector 10/12/2022 08:45:54
Following the publication of a press note, Thursday, December 8, 2022, where the main associations of companies and entrepreneurs in the country and businessmen unite for a reform of internal business practices to promote transparency, fair competition and strict compliance with ethical and legal standards, "Société du Rhum Barbancourt" in an email sent to the various organizations says that it is associated with the process, but does not accept as a co-signatory of this note, the presence of delinquent businessmen and "smugglers"...
Email from "Société du Rhum Barbancourt" :
"[...] We read with interest the private sector press note published on social networks this Thursday, December 8, 2022 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38327-haiti-crisis-the-private-sector-proposes-new-business-rules-and-4-concrete-measures.html . While appreciating the solidarity effort and the search for a lasting solution to the serious Haitian crisis that transpires from the note, La Société du Rhum Barbancourt S.A (SRB) must draw everyone's attention to the 2 following points :
- The signing of the note by the President of the CCIHC without prior consultation of the members of the Board contrasts with the commitment to democracy and pluralism advocated by the signatories. Indeed, at no time has it been submitted to the appreciation of the members of the Board who have not, to our knowledge, mandated the President to publicly commit our association.
- Written in a general and absolute manner, the private sector press note of December 8, 2022 leaves the unpleasant impression that the absence of transparency, fair competition, and respect for ethical and legal standards constitute the 'goodwill' of all companies in Haiti. Certainly, the SRB believes that a sincere redemption is the first step towards the change desired by all Haitians. However, the SRB cannot accept that entrepreneurs who, against all odds, strive to respect their civic obligations towards the State and the community, be placed on the same level as certain delinquent businessmen. Société du Rhum Barbancourt S.A has for more than 10 years suffered unfair competition from smugglers who have flooded the market with foreign alcoholic beverages without paying the duties and taxes due to the State.
The Société du Rhum Barbancourt S.A, calls for a solution to our recurring crisis and the advent of an era of prosperity for all the inhabitants of this country. It also gives the guarantee that it is willing to contribute its stone in the refoundation of the structures of our society whenever this process is carried out in transparency and respect for participatory principles. [...”
See also :
HL/ HaitiLibre