Haiti - Cholera : Daily bulletin #88 - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Cholera : Daily bulletin #88
08/01/2023 10:51:36

Haiti - Cholera : Daily bulletin #88
January 2nd, 2023: (latest data available)
Data calculated since the first confirmed case (October 3, 2022)

Total suspected cases: 23,479 cases +570 (+2.48%) in 24 hours (previous: +563 in 24 hours)
Total confirmed cases: 1,550 cases + () data not available for 4 days (%), the day before not available).
Total suspected cases hospitalized: 18.867 cases +138 (+0.73%) in 24 hours, (the day before +1.011 in 24 hours)
Total deaths: 457 deaths (280 institutional (+4) and 177 community (+1)) +5 deaths (1.10%) in 24 hours, (the day before: +68 deaths).

Partial assessment of cholera in Haiti according to data from the Department of Epidemiology, Laboratories and Research of the Ministry of Public Health

Weekly positivity rate:

Distribution and deviations of suspected cases, total since October 3 (in 24 hours):
Less than 1 year: +425 (+1)
1-4 years: 4,547 cases (+503)
5-9 years: 3,238 cases (+11)
10-14 years old: 1,557 cases (+2)
15-19 years old: 1,162 cases (+10)
20-29 years old: 3,249 cases (+16)
30-39 years old: 3,025 cases (+5)
40-49 years old: 2,115 cases (+6)
50-59 years old: 1,488 cases (+8)
60-69 years old: 962 cases (+5)
70-79 years: 490 cases (3)
80 and +: 78 cases (data not available for 4 days)

Men: 56.99% men (-); Women 43.01% (+)

Positivity rate by age segment:

Number of tests performed: 4,268 +(2), (previous +62)

Positivity rate: 36.31% in 24 hours, (the day before 36.33%)

Departments with confirmed cases:
Artibonite, Centre, Grand’Anse, North, North West, Nippes, North East, West.

Previous bulletin: https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38557-haiti-cholera-daily-bulletin-87.html

List of Treatment Centers for acute diarrhea (including Cholera): https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-37939-icihaiti-flash-list-of-acute-diarrhea-treatment-centers-including-cholera.html

Suspected cases:
Anyone with acute watery, profuse diarrhea with or without vomiting and dehydration
Confirmed case:
Any suspected case with a positive culture for “Vibrio cholerae” or presenting an epidemiological link with a confirmed case of cholera
Hospitalized case:
Any suspected or confirmed case that spends at least 24 hours in a care centre
Institutional death:
Any suspected or confirmed case who dies in a treatment center.
Community death:
Any suspected case that dies outside of a caring institution.

See also :

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