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Haiti - Cholera : Daily bulletin #96 18/01/2023 11:33:43 Data calculated since the first confirmed case (October 3, 2022) Total suspected cases: 23,829 cases +224 (+1.25%) in 24 hours (the day before: +296 in 24 hours) Total confirmed cases: 1,642 cases +31 (1.92%) in 24 hours (previous: +22 in 24 hours). Total suspected cases hospitalized: 19,869 cases +220 (+1.32%) in 24 hours, (the day before +243 in 24 hours) Total deaths: 466 deaths ((286 institutional (+2) and 178 community (+0)) +2 deaths (0.04%) in 24 hours, (the day before: +3 deaths). Partial assessment of cholera in Haiti according to data from the Department of Epidemiology, Laboratories and Research of the Ministry of Public Health Weekly positivity rate: Difficulties do not allow the MSPP to generate a usable 2023 graph. Distribution and deviations of suspected cases, total since October 3 (in 24 hours): Less than 1 year: +423 (+3) 1-4 years: 4,613 cases (+48) 5-9 years: 3,320 cases (+30) 10-14 years old: 1,568 cases (+16) 15-19 years old: 1,179 cases (+9) 20-29 years old: 3,305 cases (+29) 30-39 years old: 3,064 cases (+21) 40-49 years old: 2,142 cases (+20) 50-59 years old: 1,554 cases (+17) 60-69 years old: 1,001 cases (+20) 70-79 years old: 514 cases (+11) 80 and +: 91 cases (not available) Men: 56.78% men (-); Women 43.22% (+) Positivity rate by age segment: Number of tests carried out: 4,459 +(3 in 24 hours), (the day before +48 in 24 hours) Positivity rate: 36.82% in 24 hours, (the day before 36.15%) Departments with confirmed cases: Artibonite, Centre, Grand’Anse, North, North West, Nippes, North East, West. Previous bulletin: https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38634-haiti-cholera-daily-bulletin-95.html List of Treatment Centers for acute diarrhea (including Cholera): https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-37939-icihaiti-flash-list-of-acute-diarrhea-treatment-centers-including-cholera.html Definitions: Suspected cases: Anyone with acute watery, profuse diarrhea with or without vomiting and dehydration Confirmed case: Any suspected case with a positive culture for “Vibrio cholerae” or presenting an epidemiological link with a confirmed case of cholera Hospitalized case: Any suspected or confirmed case that spends at least 24 hours in a care centre Institutional death: Any suspected or confirmed case who dies in a treatment center. Community death: Any suspected case that dies outside of a caring institution. See also : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-38148-haiti-humanitarian-the-un-and-its-partners-launch-a-flash-appeal-of-$1456m-for-haiti.html https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-37816-icihaiti-cholera-entry-ban-on-cooked-food-from-haiti-on-the-dajabon-market.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-37807-haiti-flash-cholera-the-who-is-sounding-the-alarm.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-37803-haiti-flash-already-7-dead-from-cholera-and-dozens-of-suspected-cases.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-37795-haiti-flash-cholera-back-in-haiti-fear-of-epidemic-the-un-ready-to-intervene.html HL/ HaitiLibre
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