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![]() Haiti - Security : All the details on the Project of the new National Force 28/09/2011 09:44:18
The proposition of Government Martelly, of a national force, circulates among the foreign officials in Haiti. Jon Piechowski, spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in Port-au-Prince, confirmed that the Haitian government had recently met with Embassy staff to discuss the project. To be implemented, it will however be approved by the Parliament, and a funding, which will probably come from the international community. The report begins on page 3 on the position of President Martelly before continuing in the project description. "The Candidate Martelly had, throughout his campaign, explicitly set his position on the military component of the Police Force. He had stated his willingness, once elected, to restore it, under the Constitution and laws of the Republic, to replace the MINUSTAH ensure the defense of territory and border control, to create a safe environment conducive to both domestic and foreign investment, ensure the protection of the environment and lend a hand to the police if necessary. Became President, he continues to insist on the negotiations to be conducted with friendly powers of Haiti whose contribution remains necessary for the remobilization of the military component of the Public Force in both its technical training, its training and its equipment. The President did not fail either to focus on what should be the aim of the new force. He stressed on the necessity for "It" to be a National Army in its conception, apolitical in its operations, defensive in its operations and which has among its ranks of professionals (doctors, agronomists, engineers, etc..), environmental technicians and forest workers properly trained. These executives will be the logistic base of the country and the "reserves" of the Public Force for a better response to natural disasters or other hazards threatening the life and goods of citizens. For nearly two decades, globalization has changed the relations between nations and created an interdependence between them almost forced by the movement of goods, information and people to the point that it has caused states to rethink their defensive strategy and security. If now, "Defense and national security" become for the States a global concern that goes beyond the unique military aspect, for Haiti, the question has some nuances that should be analyzed under the country's geopolitical position (ideal transit for drug trafficking), its geographical vulnerability (mountainous terrain and hurricanes), also its defense is oriented primarily around the Public Force that it is necessary to integrate into a broader context, the "NATIONAL DEFENCE AND SECURITY COUNCIL" (civil protection, intelligence, environment, borders, territorial waters, airspace) and to which we must assign missions development. From this perspective, it is urgent to complete the Public Force as prescribed in the 1987 Constitution (Article 263 and 264.1) by reactivating its military component in the layout of the new orientation of the missions mentioned above." OBJECTIVES Having no hegemonic nor enemies in its immediate geographical environment, the public policy of "Defence and national security" of Haiti will be summarized in priority to:
STRATEGY In a perspective of integrated operations, the defense strategy seeks to consolidate into a unified structure, the NATIONAL COUNCIL OF DEFENSE AND SECURITY (CNDS to establish),all directions of the sensitive areas (borders, environment, intelligence, immigration, economy, local authorities, national identification service, customs, UCREF, ULCC, DGI ...) of the national life around the new Public Force as a pivot and enforcement tool, under the control of the HEAD OF STATE. INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK The institutions that will contribute to implement the policy of defense and security of the nation can be numerous, however the basic institutions remain:
A.- NATIONAL COUNCIL OF DEFENCE AND SECURITY (CNDS) Definition The National Council for Defence and Security is a political structure at the top of the state and presided by the Head of State. Composition It is composed of:
Its management is ensured by a General Secretariat named Executive Secretariat of the Council of National Defense and Security in which are represented on a permanent basis the institutions forming the CNDS. Role It is responsible for all matters of national defense and security aspects in their political, environmental, economic, energy aspects through the fight against terrorism, illegal trafficking of narcotics, illegal immigration, the planning of responses to crises of all kinds. B.- MINISTRY OF DEFENCE AND CIVIL PROTECTION Role The Ministry of Defence and Civil Protection has the role of:
Fields of action The Ministry of National Defense and Civil Protection will intervene in the following areas:
C.- OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR PUBLIC SAFETY The vision of the Public Safety was focused since the creation of the position of Secretary of State for Public Security in 1996 around the issues of Police. The series of disasters that culminated with the earthquake of January 12 has led to a different orientation of the concept of public safety. Instead of being a tool of repression, the Office of the Secretary of State for Public Security (BSESP) has a mission to work to prevent the vulnerability of citizens in particular, against risks of all kinds: food, health, chemical, pollution, spoliation of goods and public spaces and historic sites... Now the action areas of public safety extends to:
D.- SERVICE D’INTELLIGENCE NATIONALE (SIN) Missions The fragility of the Haitian state now makes it vulnerable to the risks of internal unrest that could plunge the country into anarchy. In this context, the Haitian government must have adequate tools to prevent these threats rather than get into a defensive posture. The SIN's mission is to seek, gather, processing, archiving all the information collected by different entities to enable senior officials of the state to have an accurate picture of the country's security situation and take preventive measures against activities that may affect the public order and national security. Objectives
Diagram ![]() E.- HAITIAN NATIONAL POLICE: Reorientation of Missions
F.- THE NEW PUBLIC FORCE Philosophy In their principle, the Armed Forces represent the means,the instruments that the Republic dedicated to the implementation of its policy of national defense and security, so a vector of stability and of development. Away from the hybrid model of the Army demobilized in 1994 with military training in police duties, the New Defence Force Army, under the dominance of Civil Power, will draw its role in the need to resume the biological link that once , united the people to its Army. In this sense the New National Armed Forces will be in its conception, non-political in its operation in its defensive procedure, effectively deployed throughout the country, with a) a staff available to be mobilized at any time and b) a social role as a professional springboard for young The Army has forged this nation, there is no reason that the Nation continues to exist without it. Justification
REFLECTIONS ON THE SITUATION OF DEMOBILIZED This problem must be addressed ahead of the creation of the new force. Will be required, among other measures:
PLAN OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MILITARY COMPONENT OF THE PUBLIC FORCE (Article 263 of the Constitution) The implementation plan takes into account the potential contribution of the MINUSTAH for its participation in the training of recruits and the availability of its bases for training and practice. This plan involves the formation of a staff of 3,500 men over a period of three and a half years as the following timeline: A- SHORT TERM (1-9 months) 1. PRESIDENTIAL DECREE CONCERNING THE DECREE OF 6 JANUARY 1995 AND REHABILITATING THE HAITIAN ARMED FORCES 2. APPOINTMENT OF INTERIM STAFF (ÉTAT–MAJOR)
3. Reconstitution of career of military personnel, compensation and publication of the list of retirements. 4. Participation of a multi-sectoral commission in the evaluation process of military personnel suitable for active service. Staff requested: 650 (150 officers and 500 non-commissioned officers) 5. Headquarters of the Military Region of the West and localization of sites for the headquarters of the other military regions to locate 6. Recycling of remobilized military staff
7. Recruitment of new military staff (500 troops/enlisted men)
8. Transfer with their budget of the Haitian Navy, the USGPN, of the Unity of forest officers and the Office of Military demobilized under the control of the new force. 9. Release date of the first promotion : six months from the date of recruitment B- AMEDIUM TERM (9-30 months) 1. Activation of other Military Regions 2. Reactivation of Technical Services 3. Reopening of the Military Academy 4. Recycling and recruitment 5. Gradual departure of MINUSTAH troops C- LONG-TERM (30 to 60 months) 1. Operationalization of the new force with its total of 3,500 men 2. Final departure of the MINUSTAH TIMETABLE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NEW ARMED FORCES September-October 2011
October - 18 November 2011
November 18, 2011 - January 2012
February 2012 - June 2012
June 2012 - July 2012
July 2012 - July 2013
BUDGET SUMMARY CREATION OF THE NEW FORCE : 2,000,000,000 Gourds or US $ 50,000,000 COMPENSATION OF THE DEMOBILIZED : 600,000,000 Gourds or US $ 15,000,000 CIVIC SERVICE MIXED MANDATORY : 1,200,000,000 Gourds or US $ 30,000,000 TOTAL 4,400,000,000 Gourds or US $ 95,000,000 See also : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-3905-haiti-politic-the-project-of-a-security-force-divides-the-political-actors.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-3909-haiti-security-draft-decree-remobilising-the-military-component-of-the-public-force.html HL/ HaitiLibre
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