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Haiti - Security : Towards a final withdrawal of Minustah ?
03/10/2011 10:53:30

Haiti - Security : Towards a final withdrawal of Minustah ?
In a note signed by Mariano Fernández Amunátegui, the Special Representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in Haiti, the latter wanted to provide some explanations about the presence and the withdrawal of the UN Mission for Stabilization in Haiti (Minustah) to better inform the public.

In this note Mariano Fernández says, "We believe that this time, the exit strategy of the Minustah aims to never to return, because Haiti deserves to live as a country responsible for its internal security" recalling that "the greatest success of a peace operation is to leave the country in which it was deployed, because it means that its goal was accomplished. This is what we aspire to Haiti."

"[...] taking into account the progress made in the democratization process and the necessity to return to the number of military and police officers there was before the earthquake, whose the presence in Haiti was no longer justified, we initiated in the middle of July an internal evaluation, with the support of a mission from New York, which concluded that it was possible to envisage a process of gradual reduction of the Minustah.

These conclusions have been presented to the countries, contributing to the troops, and to the Security Council, no disagreements were encountered, both as regards the extension of the mandate of the Minustah for another year, that to reduce the number of troops at the level where they were in 2009. People familiar with the situation in Haiti and the United Nations have noted that the previous missions have returned because its inhabitants have failed to live in stability and tolerance.

We believe that this time, the exit strategy of the Minustah aims to never to return, because Haiti deserves to live as a country responsible for its internal security, and thus be able to provide jobs, housing, education and health to its inhabitants. And therefore we are attentive to the evolution of the entire political, economic, social and cultural life so that our measures will be to accompany and support the consolidation of this progress that will enable us to work on a specific and realistic timetable of our withdrawal.

We can not ignore that we see with some concern the slow progress in the strengthening, the creation or the consolidation of certain basic institutions for the Rule of Law in Haiti. In other words, for the departure of the Minsutah it is of paramount importance to ensure the proper functioning of these institutions that protect the rights of citizens, as well as those that require them to perform their duties. Thus it is obvious that it is necessary to have a citizen sense and a sense of political responsibility to provide the country with a Court of Cassation and a Supreme Judicial Council, a Permanent Electoral Council, a register of civil status, a cadastre, etc... these are as many fundamental institutions for the functioning of a country self-determined and without limitation to the exercise of its sovereignty, to the protection of its right and to the fulfillment of its obligations."

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