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Haiti - Justice : Justice informs the Chamber of Deputies that...
21/10/2011 08:34:17

Haiti - Justice : Justice informs the Chamber of Deputies that...
Yesterday the acting Government Commissioner of Port-au-Prince, Me Félix Léger sent a letter to Sorel Jacinthe, President of the Chamber of Deputies, informing him of its intention to reassess the case of a deputy who according to the research that has been made is the subject of legal proceedings.

Me Léger gives some explanation and confirms that this correspondence was sent "...indeed there is a correspondence that was sent to the Chamber of Deputies to inform the President of the Chamber of Deputies, that according to research we have done in the national penitentiary, the prosecutor, the office of the prosecutor, the court of first instance of Port-au-Prince, that there is a member, among them who is the subject of legal proceedings, it is precisely an information, we inform him... [...] the procedure will move forward [...] justice will make its way in this case [...] we have informed theme of what we have in our hands, the progress and also what happened." The Government Commissioner clarified that he expected an answer "to begin the process."

To the question to knopw if the "membre" in question is the Arnel Bélizaire, whose name and photo widely circulated on the Internet, Me Léger declared without specifying nominally if it's questiojn of this deputy "not only is it a personality, the information is there, I found it in the archives, now it's not just for this case that we work [...] It is a mammoth task that we do because do not forget that there are escapees from prisons in the streets... [...] now the justice [...] will ask to all the authorities what they have as information in their archives, nd it will take all legal provisions to ensure that the justice make its way."

Me Léger also indicates that from the answers that he will receive "we will take appropriate action" for all those who have escaped can return. But he said that "it's not just this case [of Bélizaire ?] there are other cases. The Government Commissioner informs that the prosecutor of Port-au-Prince is currently reviewing the records that do not appear normal and that the records of all the persons subject of legal proceedings and that the documents are not prescribed must be activated. Stating that the record of each escaped from prison will be re-evaluated, so that the "justice makes its way" and strengthen a fundamental aspect, the question of the rule of law.

uy Gérard Georges, the first Secretary of the Bureau of the lower house for his part confirms "...we received a letter from the acting Commissioner of the Government Me Félix it is a letter addressed to the Chamber of Deputies" adding that the Chamber of deputies is not in ordinary or extraordinary session, and that the President of the Lower House, Sorel Jacinthe must communicate this letter by Monday not only at the Bureau, but to the presidents of the commissions. The deputy George states that "for now the Chamber of Deputies can not rule on whatever the case since the extraordinary session is complete, we are not convened into another special session and we will have to wait probably until the second Monday of January for another session, but a regular session."

Regarding the contents of the letter the deputy does not give too much detail because it has not been officially communicated members of the Bureau "the letter referred to a colleague deputy, according to the government commissioner who was imprisoned and which according to him took to their heels during the past years..." adding "for now I can not officially name the deputy given that we are not in ordinary or extraordinary session, nd that so far the letter is not officially communicated to the members of the Bureau". The first Secretary indicates that in the coming days a response will be made ​​to Me Léger "It sure in the coming days he will receive a reply from the Bureau of the Chamber of Deputies..."

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