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Haiti - News : Zapping...
19/11/2023 09:46:09

Haiti - News : Zapping...
Killing in the town of Thomazeau
Friday November 17, 2023, heavily armed individuals killed at least five people in Durand and Létang (commune of Thomazeau). During their raid, these individuals also set fire to several houses, including that of former MP Price Cyprien, in the town of Dutile.

Riyadh : the PM met His Majesty Moammed Ben Salmane
On the sidelines of the Caricom-Saudi Arabia Summit, Acting Prime Minister Ariel Henry met in Riyadh with the Crown Prince and Prime Minister of the Saudi Kingdom, His Majesty Moammed Ben Salman, in a friendly atmosphere.

Haiti does not manage Canada’s money
The 42.15 million Canadian funds intended to support the Haitian National Police (PNH) are managed by the following organizations: 10 million by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP); 14.7 million by the Organization of American States (OAS); 14.05 million by UNOD and 3.4 million by the United Nations Regional Center for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNLIREC). Note that Canada does not directly fund the Government of Haiti, including the PNH.

Terror on 90% of the territory...
More than two years after the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-34162-haiti-flash-president-jovenel-moise-assassinated-by-mercenaries-official-updated-7am-+-video.html armed gangs sow terror across 90% of the national territory according to Pierre Espérance Executive Director of the National Network for the Defense of Human Rights (RNDDH).

220th Vertières : Words by Martine Moïse
"Our ancestors sacrificed themselves to leave us this Land where life was good. Let's unite, this fraternity has earned us Vertières and it is our only salvation for a better tomorrow," Martine Moïse former First Lady of Haiti.

Call for dialogue between Haiti and the DR
William Charpentier, coordinator of the Mesa Nacional para la Migración (National Table on Migration), calls on the Dominican Republic and Haiti to leave behind their pride and engage in dialogue. Furthermore, while President Abinader reaffirmed that he would not eliminate the registration of biometric data in the border area, William Charpertier declared that the Dominican Government must establish a border map in the binational market area as provided the law.

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