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Haiti - Humanitarian : Assessment of the Haitian Red Cross (2023 report)
11/12/2023 08:11:52

Haiti - Humanitarian : Assessment of the Haitian Red Cross (2023 report)
The National Society of the Haitian Red Cross (SNCRH) acts as an auxiliary to the public authorities in the humanitarian field, providing a whole range of services, particularly in the health, social assistance and relief sectors in the event of a disaster and provides assistance to people affected by armed violence.

CRH collaborates with external partners and works in close cooperation with its partners in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, namely the International Committee (ICRC) of the Red Cross, the International Federation of Red Cross Societies Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) and Red Crescent as well as national participating societies (NPS).

After the resurgence of the cholera epidemic in Haiti, in October 2022, and the strong increase in cases of contamination observed, the CRH, in coordination with the partners of the Red Cross Movement in Haiti, as well that external partners such as the Ministry of Public Health, Save the Children and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID-Haiti) intervened for the prevention and response to the epidemic for the benefit of the most vulnerable people. vulnerable.

From January to August 2023, to respond to the cholera epidemic, CRH, with the support of its partners, set up activities in 35 municipalities in 6 departments (Grand'Anse, Nippes, West, Central Plateau, South, South East). These activities carried out by CRH volunteers trained for this purpose aimed to reduce the impact of the disease and limit cases of contamination. They mainly focused on the promotion of food and personal hygiene measures, hygiene practices in schools and communities, the distribution of water purification tablets and hygiene kits. During these activities:

  • 345, 400 people were affected.
  • 631 volunteers from CRH and the Civil Protection Directorate were trained.
  • 9,000 soaps, 6,872 hygiene kits and 10 sanitation kits were distributed among others in public schools
  • 46 hand washing stations were installed, 4 water points rehabilitated and 20 water points chlorinated

In addition, CRH contributed to strengthening health structures by:

  • The training of 306 local authorities and Multipurpose Community Health Workers (ASCP) from the Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP);
  • The distribution of 20 disinfection and decontamination kits to MSPP support structures.

Following the earthquake measuring 5.7 on the Richter scale which struck Grand-Anse on June 6, 2023, https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-39715-haiti-flash-first-provisional-assessment-of-the-earthquake-of-june-6-2023-grand-anse.html teams from CRH and municipal civil protection committees were deployed to carry out damage assessment and needs analysis. The CRH has implemented a set of activities to provide assistance to victims:

  • Assistance to 75 families (Jerrycan, kitchen kits, hygiene kits), with the support of the Dutch Red Cross.
  • Mobilization of volunteers in the town of Jérémie to provide first aid and evacuate the injured.
  • Mobilization of volunteers, with the support of the Canadian Red Cross, to provide psycho-social support to victims hospitalized at Saint-Antoine de Jérémie hospital.
  • Awareness sessions on disaster risk prevention in Jérémie and Marfranc with the support of the Dutch Red Cross.

Download the full PDF report (in French) : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/Mvt-CR-Haiti_Faits-et-Chiffres_jan-sept%202023.pdf

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