Haiti - Case Bélizaire : Joseph Lambert, moderated statements of «wise» - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7

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Haiti - Case Bélizaire : Joseph Lambert, moderated statements of «wise»
04/11/2011 16:46:59

Haiti - Case Bélizaire : Joseph Lambert, moderated statements of «wise»
Yesterday, on the sidelines of the interpellation session, related to the case of the Deputy Arnel Bélizaire, session postponed [in principle] to tomorrow Saturday, the Senator Joseph Lambert stated that decisions had been taken to "go fast" in solidarity with his colleagues of the Chamber of Deputies and that it's necessary to not enter in a logic "to cut off heads, just for cutting heads," but the Senate must show that is "an Assembly of Wise..." moderate statements that will surprise some observers that will undoubtedly ask if the statements of Senator are part of a strategy, of a surge of wisdom, of a return to reason or if they are motivated by the fear of an uncertain future...

"there are decisions that were taken in the Senate of the Republic, in a hurry, in a spirit of solidarity with the Chamber of Deputies. In the phase where we are now, minds have calmed down, this period of overflow is decreasing more and more. Now we see that it is imperative, before taking any action concerning the Minister of Justice or the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, that the other members of the CSPN [High Council of the National Police] are invited. I mean the Prime Minister, the Minister of Interior and the Director General of Police to establish the responsibilities of each of these personalities.

I think it's a correct measure, which allows to not go in a logic of cut off heads, just for cutting heads... Once again, the Assembly of Senators proves that indeed, it is an assembly of wises...

This is the ideal decision, because we can not in any way fight the arbitrarily by the arbitrary [...] take for example the Secretary of State Mr. Brunache, who was not even invested in its functions of Secretary of State, which is on the list of people we consider as Secretary of State and which is supposed to undergo a decision of the Assembly of senators. [...] Responsibilities will be set at all levels and, as stated the President Martelly, all those who are involved in one way or another in this case will have to to suffer sanctions, from the Assembly of Deputies or the Senate or even, sanction that could come from the executive branch itself. [...]

We said that there is a set of people who have responsibilities in the country, before perhaps to cut off the head, "between quote" of Mr. Josué Pierre-Louis, it is imperative to question all the other people who to a level or another, may have a responsibility in this case. Once responsibilities have been set [...] we will be able to sanction the people that we are supposed sanction in this case..."

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