Haiti - Tourism : Action plan of Minister James Monazard - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Tourism : Action plan of Minister James Monazard
12/07/2024 09:41:07

Haiti - Tourism : Action plan of Minister James Monazard
Thursday July 11, 2024, James Monazard, the Minister of Tourism, during his first Board with the directors and executives of the ministry to present the Government's vision in the sector and presented its positions as well as the main lines of its plan of action which unfolds around 3 main axes:

1 - Consider tourism as an economic catalyst;
2 - Promote cultural tourism as a flagship product and ecotourism as a complementary product;
3 - Target the Haitian diaspora.

Supported by 5 sets of actions :

1 - Improvement in the provision of public services in the tourism sector :
Capacity building / Regularization of the staff situation / Presence in airports / Support for the Tourist Police (PoliTOUR) / Collaboration with stakeholders such as Town Halls, the National Solid Waste Management Service (SNCRS), Public Works, the Ministry of Culture etc...;

2 - Strengthening synergy in the tourism sector:
Work with private players in the sector, employers' associations, etc.;

3 - Improvement in the quality of services offered by private operators :
Business strengthening / Training program for professionals in the sector;

4 - Improving the attractiveness of different tourist destinations :
Marketing and promotion program / Presence of Haiti in international spaces / Strengthening cooperation with the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) and "UN Tourism", the UN agency responsible for promoting tourism responsible, sustainable and universally accessible;

5 - Planning for the revitalization and development of the tourism economy :
Tourism master plan / Sector resilience plan / Advocacy for long-term arrangements in favor of the development of the tourism economy.

Should be noted that the Government led by Prime Minister Gary Conille, in agreement with the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT), is banking on tourism as a lever for growth with a view to economic recovery.

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