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iciHaiti - Delmas 30 : 2 bandits fatally injured, police uniforms recovered

iciHaiti - NOTICE : PAP Fire Department, 30 candidates invited to continue the selection process (list)

iciHaiti - Qatar 2025 : Return to the country of our stadium heroes (video)

iciHaiti - World Ski Championship : Congratulations from the Minister of Sports

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Haiti - News : Zapping...
20/07/2024 12:01:49

Haiti - News : Zapping...
700 young qualified professionals
Friday July 19, 2024, Viva Rio awarded certificates to more than 700 young people who successfully completed training in plumbing and solar energy as part of the "Temporary social safety net and skills for young people" program initiated by the Government and implemented by Viva Rio with financial support from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

The choice of CEP representatives is moving forward
The establishment of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) is becoming clearer. Several sectors have already transmitted the names of their representatives to the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT). This is particularly the case of the reformed cult sector (Peterson Pierre-Louis), the voodoo sector (Me Newton Louis Saint-Juste) and the University Council (Marie Florence Mathieu). The other 6 sectors: Episcopal Conference; human rights organizations; Journalists’ Associations; Associations for the defense of women’s rights; Farmers' Associations and the Trade Union Sector continue to work on the choice of their representatives.

First establishment bonus for 800 police officers
On Friday July 19, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Ministry of Justice and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). This agreement aims to offer a first establishment bonus to approximately 800 police officers of the 33rd promotion of the Haitian National Police (PNH) as part of the joint police support program, informed Carlos Hercule, Minister of Justice .

326th of Jacmel
From July 21 to 28, Jacmel will be at the heart of various festivities to mark the 326th anniversary of its foundation and celebrate the konpa festival,

7 D1 clubs risk exclusion
7 D1 clubs are not yet eligible for the D1 license. They have until August 15, 2024 to finalize their file and comply with the 14 criteria required under penalty of exclusion. The Clubs concerned are : Racing Club Haïtien, Cosmopolites, Racing FC des Gonaïves, Baltimore SC, Union sportif Rivartibonitienne, Arcahaie FC and Triomphe FC. See also : https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-42782-icihaiti-license-11-clubs-out-of-18-in-d1-obtain-their-license-list.html

La Saline massacre : Duplan and Monchéry indicted
Investigating judge Jean Wilner Morin has just issued his order in the context of the La Saline Massacre perpetrated in November 2018 where 71 people were killed and many others injured https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-29270-haiti-massacre-of-la-saline-the-united-states-exhorts-haiti-to-bring-the-guilty-to-justice.html . In his order, Judge Morin indicts around thirty individuals including two former members of Jovenel Moïse's government: Joseph Pierre Richard Duplan, departmental delegate for the West and Fednel Monchéry, Director General of the Ministry of the Interior.

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