Haiti - FLASH : Kenyan Commander announces arrival of contingents from 3 other countries - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : Kenyan Commander announces arrival of contingents from 3 other countries
08/09/2024 07:28:08

Haiti - FLASH : Kenyan Commander announces arrival of contingents from 3 other countries
On Saturday, 7 September 2024, Godfrey Otunge, the Kenyan Commander of the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMSS) held an important meeting with Miroslav Jenča, Under-Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia, United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) of the Americas and Department of Peace Operations (DPO). Jenča was accompanied by Ulrika Richardson, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), Jean Charar and Lukas Fulde, UN Delegates, Alexander Tadion, Special Assistant (BINUH) and Papa Samba Mbodj, Head of the Police Component (D1 - BINUH). Otunge shared the achievements and challenges of the MMSS while stressing the need to establish forward operating bases that will play a key role in maintaining the already pacified and recaptured areas of gangs as well as government infrastructure.

Otunge highlighted the good collaboration between the Mission and BINUH and called for continued commitments and cooperation. He announced that The Bahamas, Jamaica and Belize are expected to send their advance contingents before the end of this month. He stressed that this will give the mission a multinational face.

Otunge pledged support for the ongoing security operations in Delmas, Solino and Croix-des-Bouquets. He stressed that gang leaders will have nowhere to hide unless they lay down their weapons and surrender to the Government, where they should expect to be charged.

Jenča commended and appreciated Kenya for taking the bold initiative to lead and send its troops to Haiti. He stressed that although the Mission is in the deployment phase, its achievements are impressive. He called on other contributing countries that have yet to deploy their troops in the theatre of operations to expedite the process.

He stressed that the UN looks forward to a fully operational Mission that will make a big difference in Haiti leading to a more secure environment and conducive to free and fair general elections. Jenča assured the Force Commander that the UN and other contributing countries remain steadfast in their support for the Mission.

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