Haiti - FLASH : Gangs set fire to Bernard Mevs hospital, considerable damage (Video) - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : Gangs set fire to Bernard Mevs hospital, considerable damage (Video)
18/12/2024 05:20:04

Haiti - FLASH : Gangs set fire to Bernard Mevs hospital, considerable damage (Video)
After having suffered several gang attacks on Sunday evening and Monday, repelled by the Haitian National Police (PNH) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-43862-haiti-flash-bernard-mevs-hospital-target-of-several-attacks.html , the Bernard Mevs hospital, created by private funds, a reference hospital center, recognized for its expertise, particularly in traumatology and neurosurgery, was partially set on fire during the night from Monday to Tuesday by armed individuals from the gang coalition "Viv Ansanm".

The bandits made extensive use of Molotov cocktails to set fire to several important areas of the hospital, including the 4 operating rooms, the imaging room, the two state-of-the-art scanners https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-3001-haiti-health-a-scanner-at-the-cutting-edge-of-technology-in-haiti.html , the laboratories, the pediatrics department and ransacked the accounting department and part of the administration. Expensive materials and equipment that are rare and unique in Haiti were destroyed or vandalized.

The damage is considerable and will undoubtedly amount to several million dollars after assessment. Fortunately, no casualties were reported.

The attack on the Bernard Mevs hospital is a major blow to the health system, which has already been severely tested by the forced closure of several hospitals in the capital, including the General Hospital, the sanatorium, the French Hospital, and the Saint-François de Sales Hospital, among others.

Reacting to this tragedy, in a press release, the Government strongly condemned the attack on the Bernard Mevs Hospital and announced measures to guarantee its security... "[...] This act of violence, targeting a vital institution for the population, constitutes a serious attack on human dignity, national security and the fundamental right to health [...] Attacking such a symbol of life amounts to attacking the very foundations of our Nation.'

Faced with this aggression "[...] the Government wishes to express its total solidarity with the hospital staff and the affected patients. It also salutes the exemplary responsiveness of the PNH, which repelled the attackers and restored order with professionalism and courage."

Aware of the urgency to act, the Prime Minister, Alix Didier Fils-Aimé, gave clear instructions for the implementation of immediate measures, which many will consider to be late…

"1. A permanent presence of the PNH is now ensured within the Bernard Mevs Hospital and throughout its perimeter in order to prevent any recurrence and guarantee the safety of staff and patients.

2. Additional resources will be allocated immediately to enable the hospital to continue its essential mission in the best possible conditions.

3. A reinforced security plan is being deployed around critical health infrastructures throughout the national territory."

The Prime Minister condemns these barbaric acts and reiterates the absolute determination of his Government to fight against armed gangs and to put the perpetrators of these crimes out of harm's way...

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