Haiti - Social : Accident of Delmas 33, the Minustah reacts - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Social : Accident of Delmas 33, the Minustah reacts
17/01/2012 13:14:22

Haiti - Social : Accident of Delmas 33, the Minustah reacts
Mariano Fernández Amunátegui, the Special Representative of the Secretary General in Haiti and Head of the Minustah, was saddened by the traffic accident that occurred last evening at the level of Delmas 33.

The accident, caused by a truck whose brakes would have dropped, claimed the lives of a undetermined number for the moment, but high of citizens and also wounded many others. Mr. Fernández presents its deepest sympathies to the families and relatives of the victims, to the Haitian people and to the authorities of the country in mourns.

Yesterday evening, when they were informed of the accident, the Brazilian contingent of peacekeepers have sent troops to the scene of the accident to provide assistance to relief efforts. The Special Representative has also instructed the medical staff of the Mission to provide assistance to the health authorities of the country in the treatment of injuries.

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