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Haiti - Health : Traffic accident, MSF receives 300 patients per week
17/01/2012 14:38:30

Haiti - Health : Traffic accident, MSF receives 300 patients per week
"Every week, MSF receives an average of more than 300 victims of road accidents in its three hospitals in Léogâne Martissant and Drouillard where teams of surgeons, anesthesiologists and emergency physicians working constantly" informs the organization Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF).

It also announces the opening in February of a fourth structure, "a fourth structure of emergency care will open in Tabarre in February 2012 and will also host the victims of road accidents and other trauma. MSF reminds the population that its offer of emergency care is available 24 hours on 24 and encourages people to show reactivity, in case of emergency, by transferring the wounded as quickly as possible, and this, to save lives."

Following the serious accident occurred at the height of Delmas 33 yesterday evening, MSF informs having received in its hospital of Drouillard "10 wounded, including three in serious condition the latter underwent emergency surgery immediately after being taken over by medical staff on site. Two patients were also treated for head trauma while the others were treated for minor injuries."

Dr. Félix Konan-Kouassi, the director of the hospital Drouillard, confirmed this morning that the seriously injured were still hospitalized but there was no fear for their lives.

List of MSF hospitals for the case of accidents :

  • Centre de santé de Martissant : Martissant 25, RN2 direction of Carrefour
  • Hopital de Drouillard : Entrance by the Crossroads Vincent in Sarthe, former premises of the dairy Laina.
  • Hôpital de Chatuley : Street of Chatuley Léogane
  • Centre Nap Kenbe de Tabarre : Street of Tabarre, Industrial Park (opening early February 2012)

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