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Haiti - Politic : The counterattack of President Martelly
03/04/2012 08:30:13

Haiti - Politic : The counterattack of President Martelly
After the denial of the office of the Presidency, it is now the turn of a note from the office of communication inter-state of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to deny any involvement of President Michel Martelly "in the bribery scandal invented from scratch" revealed on a television of Dominican Republic by the star journalist, Nuria Piera, an affair widely reproduced on Dominican and Haitian websites and reported on some radio of the capital.

The Office of Communication explains that "this is an attempt to disinformation from unfounded rumors" and indicated that "the lawyers of President Martelly would have decided to pursue those who claim dishonestly that he received directly or indirectly of Senator Dominican Félix Bautista, owner of several businesses, a total amount of more than 2.5 million U.S. dollars."

The defenders of Head of State directly target the television channel, which would have brought this "defamation" in the program "Nuria on the 9" hosted by the investigative journalist Nuria Piera, the same who had announced that the President Martelly wanted the reunification of the island [which did not fail to cause considerable tension primarily in the Dominican Republic in political circles but also in the population and among our countrymen].

According to documents presented by the journalist, produced ​​on Excel, the operations performed bear the names of the President of Haiti as well as Dominicans intermediate without any evidence from bank. "A real assembly" according to the Office of Communication, which states "that the information suggesting that the transactions would have started since the presidential electoral campaign of 2010 and would have continued after the election of Martelly to the presidency are absolutely false" adding that "the amalgams with the coverage of travel expenses and of conference in the Dominican Republic for some Haitian leaders invited by the Foundation FUNGLODE, a foundation created by the President Leonel Fernández, and financed by the businessman and Senator Félix Bautista, do not concern in any way the Haitian Head of State."

The communication note also emphasizes that it is the President Martelly himself who asked to organize an audit of the contracts signed with the Dominican Republic and who had denounced the fact that reconstruction contracts were awarded to companies in an irregular manner, and "that he would never have required this if he was in collusion with the beneficiaries of those contracts deemed doubtful by his government." In its conclusion this note reiterates the will of President to continue "o lead in transparency and remain opposed to any attempt at corruption as part of the governance inaugurated since his inauguration."

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