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Haiti - Security : The Minister of Justice describes as «anomaly» the presence of armed men... 16/04/2012 13:22:47 Favoring dialogue he is nonetheless confident in the ability of the National Police of Haiti to intervene when it will be the right time and when it will be ready... According to his statement last week to the press "...on this issue there is one thing that is clear is that for now, we only have the National Police of Haiti who has the right to move with weapons and uniforms in the streets. [...] I will repeat it very clearly the President Martelly made a campaign promise to create a new force, the new force will be established according to law, in discipline, in the respect of for the authority of the State, in the respect of civil authority [?]" Adding before the occupation of public spaces and the circulation of armed men in fatigues "there is an anomaly and the police, the justice use the best strategy to address this anomaly. For now, it's the dialogue that is our priority, but I give you the assurance that we work towards a solution [...] The Police is led by people who have studied the strategy, which measure when they can intervene when they can take a little time before intervening. I have confidence in the Police Command, so that when [the officers] will feel prepared, they do what they have to do..." There remains, however, that despite the calls to order of laid down their arms and leave the premises, utimatum and threats, until now, not only nothing has changed, but the presence of these armed men are increasingly visible in the cities across the country... See also : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-5323-haiti-security-the-occupants-of-the-former-barracks-frescineau-leave-the-premises-peacefully.html https://www.haitilibre.com/article-5313-haiti-securite-rapport-preliminaire-de-la-commission-d-etat-d-organisation-de-la-composante-militaire-de-la-force-publique.html (in french) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-5268-haiti-security-paul-evans-suggests-to-the-government-to-negotiate-without-exclusion.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-5255-haiti-politic-according-to-rosemond-jean-there-are-1-500-military-legally-on-the-territory.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-5232-haiti-security-towards-a-peaceful-solution-or-a-clash.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-5214-haiti-security-the-ministry-of-defence-urges-the-occupants-to-leave-the-former-barracks.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-4920-haiti-security-former-military-intend-to-defend-the-bases-they-occupy.html S/ HaitiLibre
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