Haiti - Politic : The Nation is not immortal, it is dying (dixit Michaëlle Jean) - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Politic : The Nation is not immortal, it is dying (dixit Michaëlle Jean)
15/05/2012 08:15:26

Haiti - Politic : The Nation is not immortal, it is dying (dixit Michaëlle Jean)
Statement of Michaëlle Jean :
"The situation is serious. The Nation is not immortal, it is dying. The country is short of breath, [...] he world attended, without illusions, to the sad spectacle of Haitian political impasses that succeed by partisan rivalries and sterile, of inquisition on issues foolish such as dual citizenship, while Haiti needs the cooperation of all his daughters and all his son, to see them answer to the appeal of the ancestors, so often sublimated, become a dead letter: 'Unity is strength!' Of the union we have nothing to do, we prefer the division and endless confrontations. [...] we have only for force that of sinking further our land and a population in the poverty, the abject poverty, the misery, the confusion.

It happens to me, I confess, to be ashamed of this pathetic betrayal of our achievements and our conquests of yesteryear. Betrayal of our noblest aspirations to freedom, equality and fraternity. Betrayal of our highest dreams to break all the chains.

I hurt in my heart of Haitian to be challenged by them, smile, pulling the line and only se in Haiti a country ruined, deliquescent, without compass, without State, without a future, a rotten trunk, a world of corruption and some don't hesitate to describes it, of incapable.

Recently I attended a round table where the verdict on Haiti was ruthless, as the blocked situation in recent months is overwhelming. See elected officials determined not to roll up their sleeves, but to sacrifice the interests of the whole on the hotel of the systematic obstruction, unrestrained, lawless, is unsustainable. The exercise continues and it is a cruel irresponsibility. This disorder assassinates a country and plunges it in darkness, in confusion where the nostalgic minds [...] regret the order of former dictatorships.

The violent movement of tectonic plates is nothing beside. One would think this disaster, incommensurate, able to recall to the reason and discipline.

It was hoped a surge of humanity, a step towards an ethic of sharing. Hunt the natural, it returns quickly. The equipped is well relaunched in mediocrity. [...] we are poor [...] if we fail to achieve the necessary unity and put aside our selfishness and particular interests. Poor, if we refuse the dialogue and the historic compromise beneficial to the common good, of the country to refound, to create a new Haiti. Poor, if we remain stuck in chronic indifference and the headlong rush that characterizes us before failure however who, dying cruelly eyes at every turn. Poor, in our lack of boldness, courage and consistency. Poor, in our complacency, our blind contentment, and our fatalism when it is necessary urgently, together, to redouble our efforts. Poor, facing youth in need of role models and opportunities for the present and for the future.

Yet it could be otherwise. We could show what we can do, stop rebirth of despair, to show vision, create with all our energy, all of our hearts and our voluntary brains, the hope. It is also necessary that we wanted it. The collective will is failing us, it is still not at the rendezvous. Otherwise, we would invest all for a government as quickly formed; a public service, regrouped, and competent; an universal access to health services throughout the country; of schools and quality programs with trained teachers; state university back on track with a campus in the North to start and others to build in each region of the country, a justice system accessible, effective, independent and reliable; a professional national police can ensure the safety of places, people and borders and participate in development; stronger communities that participate in a decentralized manner to the growth of local, regional and national organizations of civil society included in the movement and involved in finding solutions to the problems afflicting; a diversified economy for a recovery of the production national and job creation, levers and niches throughout; prioritized agriculture, fishing and marine trades organized; facilitated entrepreneurship; laws, rules, codes enacted for public safety and to end the chaos; [...] an energy policy and of innovative reforestation; cleanliness and safety for all our greatest pride, our integrity and our sense of dignity of citizens whose we recognize the rights and freedoms, but also are aware of their duties.

Exactly one year ago, a democratically elected president passed the cockade to another, also legitimately chosen by the ballot box. The new President of the Republic has not had the easy part to form a government and consolidate it, as the ground is undermined. We must understand that preventing, retarding the formation of a government is a pure sabotage, irresponsible and suicidal. The clock is ticking, every day, every month in the impasse is a blow dealt to the Nation. The world is watching it is no longer sorry, but disconcerted face such a political quagmire totally dishonorable. Without government, the country, already on the edge of precipice, will not recover, every effort will be swallowed up.

The country is us, each and every one of us. Its success also depends on us.

I say 'us', l'm nott trying to extract myself from the fate of the land where I was born.

It is our full responsibility to show what we are really capable of doing."

Michaëlle Jean

Read in french

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