Haiti - Justice : The Commissioner Sénatus conducts the hearing of people arrested, Friday - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Justice : The Commissioner Sénatus conducts the hearing of people arrested, Friday
22/05/2012 11:36:22

Haiti - Justice : The Commissioner Sénatus conducts the hearing of people arrested, Friday
Since Sunday, Jean Renel Sénatus, the Government Commissioner, conduct the hearing of some fifty people arrested Friday 18 and Saturday, May 19, following the incidents that followed the parade of several hundred people in combat fatigues, on the occasion of the commemoration of the 209th anniversary of the Flag. If the rule of law in Haiti is undoubtedly an absolute necessity, the statements of Commissioner Sénatus and the adjectives, comments and implied that he uses in his statement, let appear a tendency to bias and dramatization... Statements which are not reassuring at all on the rights of those arrested, guilty or not in the eyes of the law, but presumed innocent [as any Haitian citizen] until the conclusion of the investigation, a fundamental element of the rule of law.

"...prosecutors worked all weekend sometimes until 3 am in the police stations, to be able to hear all former military, so that records can be brought before us today [Monday], because the Constitution given within 48 hours to present a citizen in court. We want to respect the rights of these people [...]

When we speak of former military, I must say [...] that all the people we have arrested are not former military, there are many among them who are 18 to 30 years, and former who have up to 60 years, who themselves, were former military. Those between 18 and 30, are recruits [...] they are aspiring military they served in uniform, were in the street, they fabricated false weapons to traumatize the population, we seized many false weapons [...] we have seized [in camps] Molotov cocktails also, there were also plenty of condoms, this shows that there was debauchery, obscenity in the camps...

Today they are in custody, we will continue our work as Commissioner of the Government. We will make the decanting, some of them make the misuse of the title (usurpation of title), they say they are former military, so they were never in the army [...] we will prosecute them for misuse of the title.

Others will be prosecuted for criminal conspiracy, because every person who was part of the army, paid 50 dollars for registration, a card is made for 30 dollars, so there is money that is circulated, imagine if 3,000 people are registered, how much money it's been...

We will also prosecute them for plot against the internal security of the state, because we believe that some of them had guns, we have seized weapons [...] they carried arms illegally and this has broken the investments in the country, that broke the desire of citizens who wanted to visit the country and which are not come, because they are told there is a group that has guns in their hands, which traumatize the population [...] So, the Government Commissioner will prosecute such persons for conspiracy against the internal security of the state and illegal possession of firearms [...]

Finally, we will prosecute them for assassination attempt on the police officer Janvier, an officer of the BIM [Motorized Intervention Brigade], people have tried to disarm him May 18, we will prosecute them for assassination attempt with beginning of execution...

[...] The prosecution is amazed to discover [...] there are two foreigners who say they are U.S. citizens, we have not yet authenticated their statements with the U.S. Embassy, but they are in our hands, because they were in the army with a uniform on them, and one of them has participated in a lot of banditry in the country..."

Note HL :
Guilty of conspiracy, maximum sentence 15 years
Usurpation of title and illegal possession of firearm, maximum sentence 3 years.

See also :

HL/ HaitiLibre

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