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Haiti - Economy : The Senate amends the Budget 2012-2013
02/09/2012 11:22:43

Haiti - Economy : The Senate amends the Budget 2012-2013
The Senate Committee on Finance, responsible of the examination of draft Budget 2012-2013, has proceeded to reallocations of funds in certain budget lines. These amendments, once voted by the Senate, should again be submitted to the vote in the lower house. Indeed, under the terms of the decree relating to the examination and approval of the budget, it must be voted in the same terms by both Houses.

Jocelerme Privert, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance explained "[...] In terms of amendments, I remind you that the Chamber of Deputies had made changes, particularly in component operation. In the Senate, we were particularly concerned with the issue of investment, and we said that we would put the emphasis on the investment component.

[...] But, during the examination, we found that changes were also needed in the operation component, particularly at the level [...] of the Ministry of Planning, the Presidency and of the Primature, there, there are changes [...] I take the case of the Supreme Council of the National Police (CSPN), it is not an operational body is a body composed of Ministers and the Director General of Police, which has a strategic mission of planning, and who had a budget of 60 million gourdes allocated for its operations. We estimated that such envelope was misplaced, and we discussed with officials and disaffected the 60 million gourdes, that we have reassigned at the level of 3 ministries involved in the security field [Ministry of the Interior , Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Justice [...]

Similarly, there was at the level of all Ministries, an item that it [Executive] called - Governance Support - and when we heard the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, the answer to the question we asked, did not convinced us ; there is an envelope that is very important, about 4.8 billion gourdes, , distributed in all ministries. We estimated that a part of this envelope could be reallocated to other more productive activities. Thus, we recommended that 1/3 those 4.8 billion, is disaffected to be reassigned [...] in training activities, of fight against deforestation and of repair of damage to the environment.

Another part in the aspect operating, that has interested us, is the adjustment of wages and we saw that it was the big part of the proposed amendments [and voted] by the Chamber of Deputies. The Senate Committee heard the negative reactions that the Minister of Finance took over the adjustment [...] the Commission made a new proposal and released an envelope of approximately 1 billion 791 million gourdes to be distributed over all public officials, instead of an adjustment targeted for only two categories of public employees [teachers and police] [...] for us in the Senate, it is an approach more just, equitable [...] We recognize that it is not possible that there is a linear wage adjustment, as applied 10 to 15% of all civil servants, it is necessary to do it in a manner modulated, to allow the employees who have the lowest wages, to benefit from a greater attention This means that the Government must make the wage adjustment, by taking into account of a salary grid"

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