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Haiti - Economy : Formation of a Joint Commission of recovery
08/09/2012 13:49:59

Haiti - Economy : Formation of a Joint Commission of recovery
On a background of controversy, following the measures taken by the Directorate General of Taxes (DGI) against 66 taxpayers, Ronald Décembre, the Secretary of State for tax reform and Jean Baptiste Clark Neptune, the Director General of the DGI, in a spirit of transparency in the processing of case, announced Friday the creation of a Joint Commission of recovery of debts due to the State, which will be coordinated by Ronald Décembre and composed of representatives of the DGI, of the Fiscal Directorate, of Ministry of Finance and of private sector as an observer to be a witness in the case processing.

The Commission will be responsible for, among other things, manage the files of different taxpayers in the context of the implementation of the law on recovery forced, in order to allow the state to recover some debts, whose some of them have more than 5 years...

Ronald Décembre reiterated that there was nothing political the fact that the Tax Administration sends bills and take action against taxpayers under section 16 of the Act of 22 August 1983 on the forced recovery "It is necessary that state asserts its financial authority to finance social activities [...]" For the Secretary of State this public-private Commission, should help to establish a better dialogue between taxpayers and tax administration.

Mr. Neptune took the opportunity to invite the businessmen, in contravention withe the DGI, who have publicly expressed their opposition to the measures adopted to clarify their application with the institution. "It is not to the tax administration, but to the taxpayer to prove that their companies are in good standing with the tax."

Although among the 25 taxpayers who have regularized their situation, some have said to owe nothing to the DGI and provided proof of payment of their taxes, it would be wrong to believe that all are good taxpayer or a victim of political maneuvering, since Mr. Neptune stated that thses regularisations have already enabled the Government to recover 15 million gourdes.

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