Haiti - Justice : Me Elco Saint Amand has not been revoked... 29/09/2012 13:26:29 "[...] If I can submit my resignation, but I have not been revoked, otherwise I never said that I would stay [and that I accepted this position]." Regarding rumors suggesting that his departure is related to the case of 2001, Me Elco Saint Amand explained "I've never been involved, I was at the time required by a judge to go search the home of a drug dealer, who is currently in prison in the United States. If there had been a record of drug against me, why the United States did they give political asylum ? Why they have not canceled my visa ? The case happened in 2001, following the pressure on my wife who was pregnant, after my house was burned, we had to leave urgently the country, these are the circumstances. And you see 2001, 2005, 2012, although the guy [dealer] is in prison, he has a long arm, very long..." Me Jean-Claude Dabrésil, current substitute to the prosecutor will becomes (if he accepts) the new acting Government Commissioner of Port-au-Prince, in replacement of Me Elco Saint-Amand. See also : https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-6764-haiti-justice-the-minister-of-justice-trivializes-the-revocation-of-senatus.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-6763-haiti-justice-me-jean-renel-senatus-provides-explanations.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-6766-haiti-politic-reactions-around-the-revocation-of-commissioner-senatus.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-6760-haiti-flash-me-elco-st-armand-renounces-to-his-position-after-24-hours.html https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-6752-haiti-flash-the-government-commissioner-jean-renel-senatus-is-replaced.html HL/ S/ HaitiLibre
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