Haiti - Justice : Act II, Me Sénatus gave explanations to the Senate Committee - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Justice : Act II, Me Sénatus gave explanations to the Senate Committee
04/10/2012 12:43:00

Haiti - Justice : Act II, Me Sénatus gave explanations to the Senate Committee
After hearing the day before, of Jean Renel Sanon, the Minister of Justice, Me Jean Renel Sénatus, the former Government Commissioner, who has resumed his activities in his private law firm, went to the invitation of the Senate Committee, Justice and Anti-Corruption, Wednesday, October 4, to explain himself on the serious accusations that he has brought against the Minister of Justice.

The former Government Commissioner has first deplored to have learned from the media that he was no longer Commissioner, saying "I was relieved of my duties while I never received my letter of dismissal."

He categorically rejected the reasons given for his dismissal by the Minister of Justice [insubordination and serious administrative misconduct] recalling that in less than 3 months. the Minister of Justice had asked him to execute 17 orders he describes as illegal "I did not execute such orders. Because I felt that there was no legal provisions [...]" ironically saying "If I am insubordinate, for having refused to execute of orders manifestly illegal [...] I agree !"

Me Sénatus also reminded that Jean Renel Sanon, gave him a list and ordered to issue arrest warrants, against 36 opponents of the government, including André Michel, Newton Saint-Juste and Mario Joseph, what had strongly denied the day before the Minister of Justice before the same Commission "There is no list, there has never been a list [...] is a list fabricated." It appears that this famous list, submitted to the Senate Committee, concerns in fact, only of unknown...

Me Jean Renel Sénatus has maintained his accusations, and continued to allege, that Jean Renel Sanon is involved in drug trafficking and prostitution. He said he was ready to prove it in court and also intends to prosecute Jean Renel Sanon, for the statements, made on some radio stations in the capital. Note that the Minister of Justice, is also considering measures [unspecified] charges Me Sénatus...

Who is right ? Hope that the future will see the truth come to light, but nothing is less sure... In the meantime, this new scandal affects not only the credibility of the Justice, but also the image of Haiti outside the country.

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