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Haiti - Agriculture : 40,000 walkers for Food Sovereignty
21/03/2013 10:49:26

Haiti - Agriculture : 40,000 walkers for Food Sovereignty
The Papaye Peasant Movement (Mouvement Paysan Papaye - MPP), historical partner of the NGO « Frères des Hommes » celebrates its 40th anniversary from 17 to 22 March in the city of Hinche, where some nearly 300 delegates peasants, but also many international defense organizations of farmers and international leader peasants, came to participate in this annual conference, to demand a more coherent organization in Haiti, which imports more than half of its food products.

An opportunity for the MPP, to make an assessment on the actions performed for 40 years and the place of movement in the strengthening of the Haitian civil society, around of theme such as : agro-ecology, food sovereignty and empowering of peasants.

"Yes for a agro-ecological agriculture", "40 years of struggle for social change," "We want a genuine agrarian reform," proclaim small Haitian farmers gathered in Hinche, for the 40th Congress, which has received the support of many international organizations, from France, Brazil, Canada and the United States.

For Chavannes Jean-Baptiste, Director of MPP, "the priority for Haitian farmers, it is a genuine agrarian reform at the end of which, each farmer could secure a piece of land that can feed his family and supply local markets. Peasants must be considered like other Haitians, they must be respected and involved in the decisions of the country [...] We must demonstrate that we are a force in the country."

"We cultivate the same values. We bring an ideological collaboration to the Haitian small farmers who must take their destiny in hand [...] We will buy 40,000 tonnes of seeds for the peasants of Haiti through a collection made online," explained Yves Altazin director of the French NGO Frères des hommes.

Beverly Bell, American writer and coordinator of "Other Worlds" who has campaigned for 30 years to support the struggle of the peasants of Haiti declared in Creole "I am an activist. I'm trying to make people aware of the situation of Haitians who do not need luck, but of international solidarity to get out."

A great walk for national food sovereignty, will close the conference on March 22. 40 years, 40,000 walkers is the objective set by Chavannes Jean-Baptiste "It will be to claim for the country's sovereignty. We are seeing a re-colonization of Haiti, we must do something [...] This is unacceptable." The march will start Friday from Papaya up to Hinche to defend food sovereignty and denounce the liquidation of mineral resources and industrial agriculture.

Learn more about MPP :
Since 1973, the Peasant Movement Papaya, struggle for food sovereignty, economic development, social justice and the prevention of Community Health in Haiti. It is now the largest peasant organization in the country, bringing together more than 50,000 farmers and groupings of rural workers.

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