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Haiti - Elections : The electoral law still not transmitted to Parliament...
11/07/2013 12:04:17

Haiti - Elections : The electoral law still not transmitted to Parliament...
While the preliminary draft electoral law was submitted to the Executive on July 2, the latter has not yet been transmitted to Parliament for analysis and ratification.

Dieuseul Simon Desras, while recognizing the absence of this preliminary draft law to the priority agenda of the second legislative session, he refuses to explain why neither he nor the President of the Lower House, have required the presence of this law to the legislative agenda. He argues that this loss of time is unjustified noting that "[...] The executive does not have to edit the text. It is only a ransmission corridor between CTCEP [Transient College Permanent Electoral Council] and the Parliament. After receiving the text, the Executive had to send it to Parliament [...]"

Léopold Berlanger, Electoral Adviser, Representative of the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSPJ), concerned about this delay, abounds in the same direction, believing that the President can not in any way modify the document that was submitted by the electoral advisers. Noting that the government may make recommendations to legislators during the analysis of the document and that after the vote of Parliament, the Executive has the right to object. Adding that if the electoral law was passed in July and that material and financial resources are available, the first round of senatorial elections, could be held in December 2013.

A position also shared by Senator Pierre Francky Exius, who denounced the unwillingness of President Martelly to create conditions conducive to the organization of elections before the end of the year.

For his part, the deputy François Almétis Junior (Cité Soleil), explains this delay by of delaying tactics to those in power," adding "[...] It is clear that the Head of State does not want an election this year and has only one thing in mind, wait for the second Monday of January 2014, for the Senate lost another third of its members, to try to found the lapse (caducité) of Parliament [...]"

Also Tuesday, on the sidelines of the publication of the survey EMMUS-V, by the Ministry of Public Health, the Canadian Ambassador accredited to Port-au-Prince, Henry Paul Normandin, encouraged all sectors to provide the country with an electoral law, recalling that it will physically impossible to realize the ballot this year, if by the end of July, the new electoral law is not adopted and the electoral calendar established.

While taking care to avoid openly say that Canada promotes the elections in 2013, he said that it was primarily "the objective of all sectors of the Haitian society that the elections take place in 2013 and that Canada and the international community are willing to support this objective," recalling that "The window to hold elections in 2013 closes a little more each passing week..."

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