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Haiti - Elections : Message to the Nation of President Martelly 15/08/2013 09:55:09 Message to the Nation of President Martelly : « AYISYEN FREM AK SE MWEN MANB PATI POLITIK YO, Kounye ya, nou tout konnen sa, reyinyon ki pou te fet jodi-a, mekredi 14 out la, pa rive fet. Li pa fet paske gen pati politik ki te deklare yo pap vini patisipe, ni chita ak Presidan, pou pale de bagay ki enpotan pou peyi-a. Mwen di yo pot la rete louvri. Presidan peyi-a toujou pare pou li pale, tande, koute tout moun, tout pati. Si nou vle tout bon vre konseve et bay demokrasi jaret, tout moun, alawonbade, dwe montre, nan ak ya poze, ke yo pre pou yo itilize, nan lit politik la, tout zouti demokrasi bay, tankou bon jan diskisyon, brase lide, chita tande, nenpot ki kote, nan media tankou nan eleksyon. Mwen voye yo gwo kout chapo pou tout pati ki te reponn ak envitasyonm nan. Mwen di yo yon gran mesi, mesi anpil. Yo te vle fem konnen yo responsab, yo renmen peyi yo, yo enterese nan zafe politik peyi yo. Mwen di yo, mwen pap pran anpil tan poum reyini avek yo. Beyond resentment, grudges, enmities of any kind, we must be able, as politicians, to draw lessons of 'living together' to establish lasting conditions of 'living together'. To do this, we must first learn between us, better, learn to listen us. Above all we must ask the right questions to get the right answers. AYISYEN FREM AK SE MWEN, Kounye a nou nan period eleksyon. Bagay sa toujou bay ni pati politik, ni fanm ak gason vanyen ki vle vote, anpil tet chaje, anpil pwoblem. Se pou tet sa nou te vle fe yon chita tande ak lide politik yo. Paske nou pa vle gen chire pit nan eleksyon ankò. Pou bagay yo mache dwat nan eleksyon, gen pawol, gen koze, fok nou mete yo kle pou tout moun. Se kisa yo ye ? An nou poze tet nou kek kesyon.
My administration has inherited these problems. But it does not hope they continue. It does not wish either, transmit themin the state to its successors. If we want to engage our country irreversibly on the path of democracy, we need to solve these background problems by consensus. Because they are, in our view, the seeds of political instability expressed periodically through the post-election crisis, of succession crises and other unrest that have marked recent history over the last twenty years. Soti nan lane 1987 pou rive nan lane 2010 , peyi ya pase anpil KEP ki se konsey Elektoral Pwovizwa. Nou rate 4 okazyon (1990, 1994, 2000, 2006) pou nou mete Konsey elecktoral Pemanan , jan Konstitisyon nou an ekzije l. Sa pat rive fet, menm si tout asanble seksyon kominal yo te anplas an 1990, 1994, 2000 e 2006. Pou ki sa Konsey Pemanan pat janm ka monte ? Nou pedi yon paket tan ke nou ta kapab itilize pou fe lot bon bagay pou peyi-a. Le nou di : Nou pedi tan, pati politik nou yo ladann tou. Nou konstate tou ke depi plis 20 lane, pati politik yo pa janm dako ak eleksyon Konsey Elektoral Pwovizwa yo fe yo paske yo toujou kritike paspouki, move konpotman responsab, ak dirijan KEP yo. Se toujou tet chaje apre eleksyon, se deblozaj, se gro kouri, se tsunami politik… Dear compatriots, Since the 1995 elections, the chorus of political parties is always the same. One disputes the CEP, one also challenges the election. After the elections, politicians are challenged. After, one challenges the Executive. Today, the great novelty is that some parties start to challenge the Executive in advance without waiting for elections. Manman lwa peyi a mande pou nou fe eleksyon pou prezidan apre senk rekot kafe, pou nou fe eleksyon pou Depite ak manm Kolektivite yo apre kat rekot kafe, pou nou fe eleksyon pou Senate yo apre de rekot kafe. Manman lwa peyi fe bagay la yon jan pou le gen eleksyon pou trant senate ansanm, Genyen 10 ladan yo ki la pou 6 zan Genyen 10 ladan yo ki la pou 4 lane Genyen 10 ladan yo ki la pou dezan. Yo te fè eleksyon pou trant senatè nan lane 2006. Depi lè sa a tout moun konnen konbyen tan yap fè. Depi lè sa a tou, manman lwa peyi bay ki dat pou eleksyon yo fèt, ki lè manda yon senatè fini. Genyen yon bann jwet koken ki fet nan tan ki pase yo. Nèg te pwofite pouvwa chef yo pou yo mete degi sou manda yo. Yo fè yon bann dezod. Sa vin fè eleksyon pa janm ka fèt nan lè manman lwa peyi-a mande l. Mwen vin jwenn yon bagay melanje, yon bagay tet anba. Si nou pa chita pou nou korije dezod sayo, peyi-a pral oblije fe, pou pipiti, yon eleksyon chak lane, soti nan lane 2013 rive nan lane 2020. Is the country can afford elections every year? Do political parties have the capacity to face with electoral deadlines so close in time? Together we need to answer these questions. The democratic project of the 1987 constitution is based, among other things, on the existence and root of strong political parties, representative, organized around ideologies asserted and assumed. This project is not based on groups, groupings, regroups or platforms which, by their ephemeral and temporary nature, does not facilitate political stability. We attended from 1986 to continuing fragmentation of our political landscape. Indeed, the number of legally recognized political parties has increased from 7 in 1956 to 120 in 2013. The frequency of requests for recognition increases during elections. Parallel to the increase in the number of micro political parties, we have seen a relative structuring of political expression currents. Since 1986, five major trends emerged on the political scene: the liberal trend, the National trend, the Socialist trend, the Communist trend, the Christian trend. With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, we will see a gradual consolidation of the social democratic current. Thus, from 1990, there was a reconfiguration of expression marked by the current positioning of RDNP around the Christian Democrats, the emergence of social democratic parties (PANPRA, KONAKOM) a recomposition of the Communist current around Gérard Pierre Charles, René Theodorea nd Basic Ecclesial Communities (Ti Legliz). Comment justifier ce pullulement de partis politiques alors qu’il y a une contraction des courants d’expression ? Ant 1990 e 2010, nou oganize 5 élections pou presidan , 5 éleksyon pou senate ak depite. Li enteresan pou nou we ki reszilta pati politik yo bay, konbyen depite yo te te mete nan palman an. Sa ap pemet nou konprann ki jefo ki pou fet pou nou gen pati politik djanm ki gen bon jan rasin nan pep la sou tout teritwa-a. Pandan 20 lane, nou tout ki enterese nan politik, nou ka konprann sam pral di nou la a :
Mwen ta renmen ke pati yo rankontre, yo fe dyalog, pou yo cheche konprann sakap pase yo konsa. Pati politik , se yon gwo moso nan sistem politik pa nou an. Si li anfom, gen anpil chans pou sistem nan mache byen. Nou pa ka chanje sistem nan si pati politik yo pa djanm. I conclude my presentation with an overview of our electoral system. Since 2006, important elements of modernization were introduced, including:
All this should not hide the recurring problems, unresolved, can affect the reliability of elections :
The 2010 elections showed the structural failures of our electoral system. The OAS mission requested by President Préval on the 2010 elections has documented the following irregularities :
I should add that my administration has had to intervene to demand the respect for election results for 17 Deputies and 1 Senator. In addition, because of the partisan behavior of some advisers, the constituencies of Abricots, Belladère, Carice and Jacmel are not represented in the 49th Legislature. At a time when we are talking, is the political parties that will soon solicit your vote in the upcoming elections are concerned to prevent the abuses documented during the elections of 2010 ? AYISYEN FREM AK SE MWEN Mwen sot esplike nou pwoblem kap brase bil peyi nan zafe eleksyon depi pase plis ke 20 lane. Se nou tout ansanm ki dwe chita pou nou rezoud yo, pou sispann gen chire pit nan eleksyon. Peyi a se pou nou tout. Fok nou tout ka viv ladann nan ke poze. Se pou sa mwen te vle pale ak pati politik yo maten an. Si yo te la maten an, nou ta pral pale bagay pa yo, tankou :
Fok nou rezoud yo anvan eleksyon ki pral fet nan fen ane 2013 la. Se pou tet sa, te genyen yon antant politik, pou mete kanpe nan dat 5 avril 2013 Le Conseil Transitoire du Conseil Electoral Permanent. Konsey sa genyen yon sel misyon : fe eleksyon pou senate ak manm kolektivite yo. Li pa la pou li fe politik. Li la pou li fe eleksyon. Mwen rankontre yo nan jou ki pase yo. Mwen mande yo demele yo kou met janjak pou fe elksyon yo nan fen ane 2013.Se nan eleksyon pou pati politik pran pouvwa. FREM AK SEM MWEN peyi se pou nou tout li ye. Se ansanm pou nou ranje li, se ansanm pou nou chanje sa ki merite chanje. Viktwa se pou Pep la ! Viv Ayiti" HL/ HaitiLibre
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