Haiti - Security : Road rescue training for Firefighters of Jacmel - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Security : Road rescue training for Firefighters of Jacmel
20/10/2013 10:44:52

Haiti - Security : Road rescue training for Firefighters of Jacmel
15 firefighters of the National Police of Haiti (PNH) in Jacmel, have recently completed a one-week road rescue training. "The goal of this training is to allow the PNH to better respond to an accident and participate in road safety because better firefighters can intervene, more the injured will have a chance to survive," declared Rémy Bissonnier, Police Officer of the United Nations (UNPOL) at the Academy of Port-au-Prince

Firefighters worked on accident scenarios involving frontal impacts and vehicles deformed by shock, requiring extrication to access victims. Through practical exercises, they learned, among other to place blocks under frame, cut or remove the plate with pliers and electrical spacers, remove the windshield... They also learned how to intervene with special tools including with cervicothoracic brace, an immobilizer of the spine to facilitate the extraction of a victim. The rules of individual and collective security, the necessity to raise awareness among road users on the seat belt and safety helmet, the different types of shock and cutting techniques were also discussed during the training. For Marc Donald Duplan, responsible of firefighters boidy of Jacmel "This training will allow his men to act professionally to save lives when victims are trapped in their vehicles."

In addition, on the joint initiative of the Brazilian contingent of the Minustah (BRABAT) and the Brazilian NGO Viva Rio, with the support of the city of Port-au-Prince, 60 people from the poor neighborhoods of Port -au-Prince have followed a basic training in first aid at Fort National. The course included theoretical and practical sessions among other on pre-hospital care, artificial respiration, immobilization techniques and transport of sick and wounded. 8 instructors (women and men) were selected and trained by members of the Brazilian battalion to train their peers with the support of UN peacekeepers and civilian staff of Viva Rio.

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