Politic : Parliament, declarations, constitutions, laws, Commissions, international diplomacy, news... |

Haiti - News : Zapping... 02/02/2025 10:10:40 |
NOTICE : Legalization service deadline - Free legal assistance - The national Socca team trains - Taiwan : More than 40 scholarships - New DG at the Office of Citizen Protection - MEF : 3 new Deputy Directors General... |
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Haiti - Politic : 1st Women's Leadership Forum in Haiti (Declaration) 02/02/2025 09:01:24 |
On Friday, January 31, the « Parcours d’Exception » platform, in partnership with the UNDP, organized the first edition of the Forum on female leadership around the theme « Women's leadership: pillar of inclusive governance and sustainable development... |
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Haiti - FLASH : The Government takes strong measures for concrete results 02/02/2025 08:04:32 |
On Friday, January 31, 2025, the Prime Minister, Alix Didier Fils-Aimé, chaired a Government Council at the Prime Minister's Office, bringing together the Ministers and Secretaries of State... |
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Haiti - News : Zapping... 01/02/2025 10:30:19 |
Kenscoff : Assault rifles and ammunition seized - Referendum and elections - Victor Prophane's lawyer demands the release of his client - DR : 53,412 Haitians returning to the country (partial January) - Donation of 80 digital tablets - Don Bosco FC... |
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Haiti - Politic : Back home, Leslie Voltaire takes stock of his tour in Europe (Video) 01/02/2025 08:30:09 |
Friday, January 31, 2025, Leslie Voltaire, President of the Transitional Council, returned to the country after his official tour of Europe (Italy and France)... |
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Haiti - News : Zapping... 31/01/2025 10:30:43 |
The Director General of the Social Assistance Fund, arrested - Malta H in school canteens ? - Meeting of the Haitian Chancellor with his French counterpart - Port-au-Prince and territorial governance - UNFPA alongside the Ministry of Health - Colloquium... |
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Haiti - France : Leslie Voltaire meets Jean-Luc Mélenchon (radical left) 31/01/2025 08:54:26 |
As part of his official visit to France, Leslie Voltaire, President of the Transitional Council in Haiti, met with MP Jean-Luc Mélenchon, founder in 2026 of the political party « La France Insoumise »... |
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Haiti - News : Zapping... 30/01/2025 09:47:44 |
Me André Michel accuses Voltaire of being a liar - Kenscoff : A military contingent is installed - 18 million liters of drinking water - Elections and Referendum - Trump cancels TPS extension for Venezuelans - Mayor Chevry discusses security... |
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Haiti - Diaspora : Haitians threatened by Trump, MHAVE proposes to provide a unified and effective response 30/01/2025 08:52:28 |
Faced with the growing challenges facing our compatriots in the United States, particularly those under threat of deportation, Kathia Verdier, Minister of Haitians Living Abroad, is strengthening her collaboration with diaspora organizations... |
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Haiti - FLASH : Leslie Voltaire announces the retreating of gangs and the «date» of general elections (Video) 30/01/2025 07:16:50 |
On Wednesday, January 29, after his meeting at the Élysée with the President of France Emmanuel Macron, Leslie Voltaire, President pro tempore of the Transitional Council in Haiti, was the guest of RFI and France 24.... |
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