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iciHaiti - Prep. U-20 Poland 2026 : Victory of the Grenadières [2-0] against the «Girls Squad» of Pétion-ville (friendly match)

iciHaiti - Construction and rehabilitation of the SAEP of Belle Roche and Lindor

iciHaiti - Diaspora : MHAVE seeks help from Taiwan

iciHaiti - Elections : PM visits CEP

iciHaiti - Fort-Liberté : Carnival, prelude to the transformation of the city

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Haiti - FLASH : Our U-17 Grenadiers qualified for the Qatar 2025 World Cup (Video)

Haiti - News : Zapping...

Haiti - NOTICE : Micro-Industrial Park Projects, call for expressions of interest

Haiti - UEH : Tribute to several people from the university community (List)

Haiti - FLASH : Pope Francis hospitalized, latest news

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Politic : Parliament, declarations, constitutions, laws, Commissions, international diplomacy, news...

Haiti - USA : Message from Martine Moïse to Trump
Haiti - USA : Message from Martine Moïse to Trump
11/02/2025 05:47:59
In a message to United States President Donald J. Trump, former First Lady Martine Moïse asks him to declassify all FBI and State Department documents related to...
Haiti - News : Zapping...
Haiti - News : Zapping...
10/02/2025 09:26:23
«Insecurity has lasted too long» dixit Leslie Voltaire - AIDS : The Minister pleads the cause of the 143,000 carriers - Customs-Police Operation - Visit to the Hôpital la Paix - «Security remains our priority» said PM Fils-Aimé - UEH elections postponed...
Haiti - News : Zapping...
Haiti - News : Zapping...
09/02/2025 09:36:45
Jazz Festival 2025 «PAPJAZZ’it up» - Towards a new narrative on Haiti - New Board of the Federation of Bars of Haiti - Criminal Reform - Did you know ? - PAHO/WHO : End of Mission in the North...
Haiti - News : Zapping...
Haiti - News : Zapping...
08/02/2025 10:38:30
Economy : Critical situation for many families - SIMPAP : List of candidates selected for the next - WHO : Health situation and urgent needs - Drug trafficking and consumption in Haiti - Pèlerin 2 : Road rehabilitation works...
Haiti - Diaspora NOTICE : Contact details for monitoring and emergency units in the United States
Haiti - Diaspora NOTICE : Contact details for monitoring and emergency units in the United States
08/02/2025 08:40:13
Following Trump's decisions to deport all irregular migrants, the Haitian Chancellery asked the Haitian Embassy and Consulates accredited to the USA to « create a monitoring and emergency unit in each mission...
Haiti - 39th anniversary of the end of the Duvalier regime : Speech to the Nation by Leslie Voltaire (Video)
Haiti - 39th anniversary of the end of the Duvalier regime : Speech to the Nation by Leslie Voltaire (Video)
08/02/2025 08:21:19
On Friday, February 7, in a speech to the Nation delivered on the occasion of the commemoration of the 39th anniversary of the fall of the dictatorial Duvalier regime, Leslie Voltaire, the President of the Transitional Council, called for unity...
Haiti - News : Zapping...
Haiti - News : Zapping...
07/02/2025 10:20:19
Artibonite: Bandits set fire to a gas station - Tabarre on red alert - Brazil Visa : CAVB closed - Pétion-ville : deprived of carnival celebration - FAA to form FAd’H - Textile : Marco Rubio supports the renewal...
Haiti - Port-au-Prince : Municipal Action Plan 2025-2026
Haiti - Port-au-Prince : Municipal Action Plan 2025-2026
07/02/2025 08:31:11
Faced with the major challenges of Port-au-Prince, the City Hall has unveiled its 2025-2026 Municipal Action Plan, to improve security, public services and the quality of life of citizens...
Haiti - News : Zapping...
Haiti - News : Zapping...
06/02/2025 10:14:14
Jacmel : Rapist of a minor arrested - The PM visits customs - Clerks announce a work stoppage - Football : The FHF congratulates Ricardo Adé - Elections are possible, according to Mario Andrésol - Fanmi Lavalas sounds the alarm...
Haiti - Politic : Advisor Fritz Jean visits the Control Tower (Video)
Haiti - Politic : Advisor Fritz Jean visits the Control Tower (Video)
06/02/2025 09:10:46
On Wednesday, February 5, Presidential Advisor Fritz Alphonse Jean of the Transitional Council visited the control tower of Toussaint Louverture International Airport...

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