Justice : Justice, Law, text, court, judge, trial |

Haiti - Dominican Republic : Two Haitians would have confessed having killed «Tulile» 18/02/2015 12:06:12 |
Monday, General Manuel Castro Castillo, head of the Dominican National Police met in Santiago, the Commissioner responsible for the investigation of the murder of a Haitian immigrant, shoeshine, Claude Jean Harry found hanged from a tree... |
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Haiti - Dominican Republic : Seizure of 12 tons of garlic smuggled from Haiti 17/02/2015 12:03:08 |
Monday the Dominican Ministry of Defense stated that the military intelligence service, seized during a raid on the stretch of road San Cristobal-Bani, a shipment of 1,204 bags of contraband garlic coming from Haiti... |
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Haiti - Justice : The authors of the burglary of the Ambassador of Haiti, behind bars 17/02/2015 09:29:59 |
Monday, 11 days after the robbery of two safes at the residence of the Ambassador of Haiti, the Head of the Dominican National Police, Manuel Castro Castillo, informed at a ress conference that 7 people had been arrested and imprisoned... |
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Haiti - Dominican Republic : 6 arrests in the case of the Haitian flag burned 14/02/2015 10:04:21 |
Police and judicial authorities tracked without wasting time, those who had burned the Haitian flag on Wednesday in the popular area of Santiago « Le Ciruelitos »... |
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Haiti - Justice : Kherson Darius Charles condemns the intimidation, threats and calls for violence 11/02/2015 10:54:11 |
Tuesday, Kherson Darius Charles, Government Commissioner of the Public Prosecutor at the Court of First Instance of Port-au-Prince, deplores and condemns the intimidation, threats and calls for violence that marred Monday's strike... |
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Haiti - Justice : Soon, the appointment of judges of the 5th promotion of EMA 07/02/2015 08:54:55 |
Friday at a meeting with the graduates of the 5th class of the School of Magistrates, Pierre-Richard Casimir, the Minister of Justice announced « You will all be appointed no later than March 1, 2015 [...] This is more than a promise, it is... |
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Haiti - Justice : Call for tolerance and cooperation 06/02/2015 09:01:37 |
In a note, the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, congratulates all the forces of the Nation and « invites them to continue to exercise tolerance, sense of responsibility and patriotism in the exercise of their civil and political rights... |
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Haiti - Justice : The Minister Casimir calls to order the demonstrations organizers 04/02/2015 09:29:22 |
Following the transit strike and violent protests of Monday, Pierre-Richard Casimir, the Minister of Justice, recalls to the demonstrations organizers, the obligation imposed on them by law to ensure of the essentially peaceful nature... |
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Haiti - Justice : The Minister Casimir visited the Court of Cassation and the CSPJ 01/02/2015 09:25:41 |
Pierre-Richard Casimir, the Minister of Justice, accompanied by Me Jean Roudy Aly, Director General of MJSP and his Chief of Staff, Dr. Jean Claudy, visited the judges of the Court of Cassation and the members of the Superior Council... |
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Haiti - Justice : The IGPNH strengthens fight against bad police officers 30/01/2015 12:52:21 |
Thursday, Marc-Wilckens Jean Wilckens Spokesperson for the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPNH) revealed to the press that for the month of January the IGPNH had treated 54 cases. 9 recommendations of revocation against police officers... |
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