COVID-19 : News about COVID-19 in Haiti, in the diaspora and around the world, daily bulletin |

Haiti - FLASH : 3rd death of Covid-19 12/04/2020 04:11:07 |
The Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP) informs the population that a third person died from the Coronavirus Covid-19... |
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Haiti - Covid-19 : Daily bulletin April 11, 2020 11/04/2020 10:33:17 |
The Ministry of Public Health informs that a new case of Covid-19 has been confirmed in Haiti bringing the total to 31 cases since the start of the epidemic... |
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Haiti - Covid-19 : The Town Hall of Cap-Haitien announces a series of restrictive measures 11/04/2020 09:49:31 |
The Town Hall of Cap-Haitien, informs that during a working session on the management of the Coronavirus Civid-19 pandemic, as part of an operation called « Sove vi » the Municipal Council of Cap-Haitien, Justice and the PNH have decided... |
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Haiti - FLASH : Access to the South Department closed for 15 days 11/04/2020 09:26:38 |
Local authorities in the Southern Department have taken the initiative to close all roads giving access to the Department in order to protect the population from the spread of Covid-19... |
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Haiti - Covid-19 : Daily bulletin April 10, 2020 10/04/2020 10:30:43 |
The Ministry of Public Health has informed that there have been 30 cases of Covid-19 coronavirus in Haiti, confirmed by the National Laboratory, since the start of the epidemic out of 331 suspected cases... |
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Haiti - Jacmel : Reinforced measures and strong sanctions in the fight against Covid-19 10/04/2020 09:30:29 |
« Considering that the latest statistical data shows that several people tested positive for Covid-19 are in the Arrondissement of Jacmel... |
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Haiti - Covid-19 : Daily bulletin April 9, 2020 09/04/2020 11:07:06 |
According to the « Worldometer » classification of April 6, 2020, out of the number of Covid-19 control tests carried out per million inhabitants (pmh) in 16 Caribbean and Latin American countries, Haiti ranks last.... |
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Haiti - Health : The Minister of the Interior and representatives of religions launch an appeal to the citizens 09/04/2020 10:33:12 |
Audain Fils Bernadel, the Minister of the Interior and Territorial Collectivities and the Representatives of different sectors and religious denominations... |
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Haiti - NOTICE : The municipal administration of Port-au-Prince reduces its hours 09/04/2020 10:10:42 |
The Port-au-Prince Municipal Administration informs taxpayers that due to the situation prevailing following the appearance of the Covid-19 coronavirus on national territory... |
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Haiti - FLASH : 2nd death of Covid-19 09/04/2020 09:12:52 |
The Ministry of Public Health informs the population that a second person has succumbed to the Coronavirus Covid-19... |
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