COVID-19 : News about COVID-19 in Haiti, in the diaspora and around the world, daily bulletin |

Haiti - NOTICE : Preventive measures against the risk of introduction of Covid-19 10/03/2020 10:36:11 |
Faced with the risk of the introduction of Covid-19 in Haiti, the Ministry of National Education invites the population in general and educational workers in particular to follow and adopt the preventive measures of the health authorities... |
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Haiti - FLASH Covid-19 : Passengers from 6 countries can no longer disembark directly in Haiti 10/03/2020 09:30:53 |
Passengers arriving from China, South Korea, Italy, Iran, France and Germany will no longer be able to disembark directly in Haiti... |
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Haiti - FLASH : Haiti among the most vulnerable countries face the Covid-19 09/03/2020 09:08:33 |
The Pan American Health Organization will begin to send from this week support missions made up of experts, primarily in countries of the region with more vulnerable health systems, facing the epidemic of Covid-19... |
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Haiti - Health : Religious rally and preventive measures against Covid-19 05/03/2020 10:23:53 |
The Episcopal Conference of Haiti gathered at the headquarters of the Conference of Bishops of Haiti, March 4, 2020 around the holding of assemblies in the context of the epidemic of Covid-19, proposes in a note, a set of preventive measures... |
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Haiti - Coronavirus : Important meeting at the National Palace 03/03/2020 09:09:22 |
Monday at the National Palace, as part of the measures taken by the health authorities to deal with a possible introduction and spread of Covid-19 on the national territory, President Jovenel Moïse met... |
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Haiti - FLASH : First case of COVID-19 in the Dominican Republic 02/03/2020 10:23:21 |
Sunday, Rafael Sánchez Cárdenas, the Dominican Minister of Public Health confirmed the first case of imported coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Dominican Republic. He said he was a 62-year-old Italian tourist... |
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Haiti - Coronavirus : 7 Chinese from Haiti trigger the Dominican medical protocol at the border 29/02/2020 09:04:17 |
The entry this week into Dominican territory in Dajabón of 7 Chinese citizens from Haiti who came to shop, attracted the attention of the soldiers who immediately started the medical protocol against the Coronavirus... |
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Haiti - FLASH : Health Alert of the Ministry of Health on the Coronavirus 29/02/2020 06:45:02 |
The Ministry of Public Health advises the general population, health professionals and distributors of pharmaceutical products in particular that the care of patients infected with the coronavirus... |
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Haiti - COVID-19 : Training of agents of the National Ambulance Center at the International Airport 18/02/2020 09:42:47 |
At the initiative of the Department of Epidemiology, Laboratories and Research of the Ministry of Health, agents from the National Ambulance Center stationed at the International Airport took part in training on prevention and control... |
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Haiti - Health : The Caribbean and Latin America trained in the detection of COVID-19 16/02/2020 08:43:58 |
Efforts to ensure that Latin American and Caribbean countries are ready for a laboratory diagnosis of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) continued this week... |
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