Economy : Budget, taxes, investments, banking, commerce, industry, import-export, loans, news... |

Haiti - Economy : 89% of the adult Haitian population is unbanked 01/05/2024 10:32:47 |
The current history of Haiti contrasts with its genesis: the first country in Latin America to gain independence after having been the richest colony of France. Today, it is the poorest Nation in the hemisphere... |
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Haiti - Economy : BRH launches a financial education magazine 21/04/2024 10:32:10 |
As part of economic and financial education projects, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy Document, the BRH published the first issue of a quarterly magazine... |
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Haiti - Economy : Inflation 23% sharply rising 11/04/2024 10:27:52 |
The Haitian Institute of Statistics and Informatics (IHSI) informs that the General Consumer Price Index recorded a strong monthly increase of +3.1%... |
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Haiti - Bank loans : For eligible clients (circular) 07/04/2024 10:12:16 |
Due to the troubles that Haiti is going through, the Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH) in its circular 115-5 authorizes financial institutions to grant any eligible debtor (companies and individuals) who wishes to benefit from it, a moratorium... |
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Haiti - Insecurity : The Association of Industries of Haiti calls for awareness 03/04/2024 09:57:17 |
In a note dated April 2nd, 2024, the Board of Directors of the Association of Industries of Haiti (ADIH) appeals to all consistent citizens of the country to become aware... |
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Haiti - NOTICE : CMA CGM suspends its stopovers in Port-au-Prince 16/03/2024 10:28:31 |
Given the deterioration of the security situation in Port-au-Prince, the shipping company CMA CGM suspends its stopover at the Port of the Haitian Capital and moves it... |
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Haiti - Diaspora : Investment opportunities with Haitian SMEs 03/03/2024 08:46:30 |
Thursday, January 29, 2024 in Miami (Florida), the Haiti INVEST platform of USAID), in partnership with the « Reach » project of USAID-Haiti, and the Haitian-American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham Haiti) gave the kick-off... |
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Haiti - Economy : Haiti seeks to restructure its debt with Venezuela 29/02/2024 08:34:19 |
In a note, the Government of Haiti informs that it has been negotiating for several months with the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the restructuring of the Haitian debt contracted within the framework of the PetroCaribe program... |
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Haiti - Economy : Falling inflation remains high at 20.9% (January 2024) 27/02/2024 09:38:12 |
The Haitian Institute of Statistics and Informatics informs that the deceleration continues and annualized inflation stands at 20.9% in January 2024 compared to 21.2% the previous month... |
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Haiti - FLASH : Haiti pays a debt of USD $500 to Venezuela linked to the PetroCaribe Program 24/02/2024 09:50:18 |
Friday February 23, 2024, the Venezuelan Government reported with satisfaction the completion of the process of recovering a debt amounting to 500 million dollars paid by Haiti... |
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